Danafinwe & Oropher

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"This is Oropher," Thingol gestures to a blonde male wearing robes. "He will be your guide."

Oh for fucks sake. A babysitter. A damned babysitter. I am not a child. Nor am I an infant. I haven't needed watching for 3 thousand years. There is a high likelihood that I am older. At least he appears decent. If he is sensible, he'll do well to not anger me.

Oropher is quite a bit shorter than I am. I'd bet five inches at least. Long blonde hair, slightly curly, piecing gray-blue eyes. His mouth has a slight curl to it. As if he's amused. I wonder by what?

If he thinks this will be easy he's in for a treat. Rather a terror. I don't take kindly to being imprisoned for three years. But I have a job to do.

I rub the stiffness out of my mangled wrists. Once I gave my answer I was taken to the healers to get them cleaned and wrapped. They will be stiff and sore for a while.

"Pleasure," I shake Oropher's hand.

Thingol leaves us to get aquatinted. That or kill the other. I've yet to decide if Oropher is a worthy opponent. The moment Thingol is out of earshot Oropher's smirk turns to a sneer. "Behave noldo,"

"You should not anger me, I am called kinslayer for a reason." I allow the dampened flames to rise to the surface. Oropher narrows his eyes. "What no snarky response?"

"Your Sindarin is remarkably good for a native Quenya speaker,"

Of course, it is. Noldor are adept at learning a new craft. Especially languages. Sindarin is simple. An easy feat for any noldo. Quenya is complex. It holds a beauty few can understand save its native speakers. It's timeless and stunning.

"I was one of the first to learn. I'd suggest not trying to curse me under your breath,"

Oropher rolls his eyes and begins walking away. "Hurry up," He then mutters under his breath about being intolerable and a child.

As if.

"I'm older."

"Say it again," I growl at Oropher. The smaller male sneers deeper. "Say it to my face Oropher,"

Oropher steps closer. So close the wine he had wafts up my nose. "You are an arrogant bitch,"

He is too close to being punched. Never mind he is. He really is.

I smile widely. "Yes but I haven't been punched in the face,"

"Neither have—"

I don't give him a chance to finish before I punch him square in the face. Oropher recoils, clutching his nose. It's likely broken. I do have a good punch.

Seven brothers do that to you.

"Now you have," I state turning on my heel. "Good day."

Where did my brush go? Where is it? I had it last night. Now it's gone. It can't just be gone. It has no legs, it can't walk.

No, it can't walk but people can. If I was in Valinor before grandfather's death Huan could have taken it. But this isn't Valinor and it's not Huan who took my brush.

Only one person aside from me and my maid has access to this room and it's not Thingol. Oropher is petty. And not over that punch.

I barge out of my room and ask anyone I can find where Oropher is. When I find him he's lounging in the library.

"Where is my brush?"

"What brush?" He doesn't look up from his book. Even from here, I can see the redness on his face. Mostly his nose and cheeks. He had a bandage on it but that has been disposed of. Good thing too. He looked terrible.

"Varda you are impossible. How do you not know?" I growl. He knows exactly which brush I mean. It's not like I have two. I've used this one since my mother gave it to me. "You see me brush my hair each morning when you collect me. How can you not know?"

"I have no idea what brush you are talking about,"

"I'm sure you don't, if I don't have my brush by tonight there will be hell to pay." I growl leaving him to his boring book.

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"You are my closest advisor—"

"Was," I growl deeply. "I was your closest advisor, your son ruined what trust we had,"

My glare makes shrinks Oropher back, he hasn't had a need to be afraid of me since the second kinslaying. "He crossed the line. What that female whispers in his ear, especially about the Noldor, about me and my family is not alright. I can deal with the Sindar talking behind my back about me but the moment you spit in my face about my family that line is crossed and there is no going back,"

"What can I do to win you back? There has to be something,"

"There is nothing you can do,"

"Please Dana I need you, the greenwood needs you. No one can replace what you do, no one and by Varda did I try. All my advisors quit your job after a week, none of them could do the amount of work you do in a day," Oropher pleads. He looks ready to throw himself at my feet. "Please, I would do anything,"

I think over his words. Carefully. If he says he will do anything then he best mean it. Once I said the same and came to regret it.


"Yes, anything,"

"Then swear your allegiance to me," I state. "You and all your descendants. That is how I go back to the greenwood,"

"I'll do it."

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