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140 of the Fourth Age

"We'll see you back at the manor," I kiss Tauriel on the forehead after giving her a tight hug. My emotions fighting to be let out once more. After delivering father, grandfather and grandmother Miriel to Mandos, splitting from my eldest child will be a fight. We haven't been apart since I arrived in Valinor.

Valar, I've cried enough today.

Tauriel smiles, her own tears being held at bay. She knows she'll be okay. She has Legolas, Gimli and Mori. They will help her stay strong. A good distraction is what she needs. "See you then."

Tauriel turns to Nanwe. She knows she has to say goodbye. Her lips tremble as she launches herself at Nanwe. My husband grabs her midair and holds her tight.

I brush tears off my cheeks.

Mori brushes his arm against my shoulder. I look up and smile as best I can. Mori seems to take a hint and wraps me up in a hug. Tears fall onto the top of my head. Oh, Mori.

Mr sensitive as Turca used to say.

After Tauriel hugs Nanwe Legolas pulls her over to him and Gimli. They should be off. As should Nanwe and I.

Mori kisses the top of my head and joins his niece and her friends. They wave as they leave the clearing.

Nanwe pulls me into his arms. Together we wave goodbye to our daughter, Mori and the dynamic duo. "Are you ready for a new adventure?"

"I am husband, are you?"

"Since I met you." And with that our honeymoon has begun.

First, stop Orome and his forest.


"Lord Orome," Nanwe and I bow lowly to the Valar.

"Rise you need not do that, you have been forgiven," Orome hastily says. I must strive to remember. It likely will not be remembered but here's to hoping.

"What can I do for you Nyarrë?"

"We wish to travel through your woods, my lord," Nanwe further explains our wish. Orome smiles. It seems word of our marriage has spread fast. As was expected.

It's been a topic of intrigue since we met. Not to mention a kernel of gossip frequently whispered about in every court and home. I was an oddity. The last heir of Finwe and unmarried. A true oddity.

The great lord of hunting bows his head. A true grin takes his smile's place. "And your wish is granted,"

Orome whistles. Two long bursts. Similar to how Olorin summoned Shadowfax outside Fangorn. This time two horses arrive. One the colour of a yew bow, the other the colour of dried mud.


"And they are yours for the duration of your stay," Orome pats the yew-coloured horse. "They are named Spring and Summer. They are good friends of Huan."

"They are?"

Orome's eyes twinkle. He winks and leaps upon his great silver horse The great vala of the hunt spurs his horse. They take off at a great speed.

Nanwe and I share a look. 'Race you.'

I lung towards Spring. The great mount doesn't even flinch. She allows me to mount her and I take off. Nanwe hollers that I had an unfair start.

Like hell I did. We both agreed on a start. Whether he likes it or not he's lost. "Face it I'm the better rider,"

"As if,"

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