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As I speak with Feaelenion something rubs against my leg. I glance down to look for a cat but it's not a cat, it's a red-headed elfling no older than two. Oh my goodness. Too cute.

Who knew I'd attract children this early in my stay? I guess standing on the porch of the chief of Cuiviénen does the trick. I still can't believe I found it. Cuiviénen, the ancient place of awakening.

"Who is this little one?" I ask my great aunt Feaelenion. My namesake. Grandfather's proclaimed sister. By him and her. Due to waking right by the other and Iluvatar all but telling them.

I pick up the small child. He looks between me and Feaelenion. He thought I was her. Of course. The guards became confused when they saw me.

"Aravel," Feaelenion smiles at the small elfling. "he's what some call bad luck,"

"Whatever for?"

"His hair,"

"Really?" Feaelenion nods. Wow, superstition runs rampant here. Worse than Gondor. "my mother and brothers must have caused lots of hardships,"

"You have family with red hair?"

"Yes, my mother's whole side of the family has varying shades of red hair. Even my adopted daughter has red hair,"

"You adopted your daughter?"

I love Tauriel and I am not shy about how I got her. She needed a family and I gave her one. And she fits in. Almost too well.

"I did and I love her very much,"

Feaelenion thinks for a moment.

"Do you have room for another? No one will take him and I have too many other young ones to feed and raise,"

"That isn't up to me, it's up to Aravel,"

We look at the small elfling and wait. He looks from Feaelenion to me a few times before nuzzling his face into my neck. We have our answer. Oh yes. Nanwe and Tauriel will love Aravel. I can't wait for them to meet.

"Come let's get you settled." I smile at the small elfling. He looks up at me and smiles brightly.

Ages of Valinor(Short Stories)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang