Night at the Theatre

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1433 YT

"Would you hurry up Nanwe and Tyalmë are waiting," I yell at Kana through his door.

As things turn out Nanwe is good friends with Kana's wife Tyalmë, woman who plays. Tyalmë in fact does play instruments. Her favourite is not the harp, like her husband but a piccolo.

Today we go to the theatre.

Kana and Tyalmë asked me weeks ago. They then hinted that I bring a friend. Initially, I was going to bring Kaesta but she dropped out last minute and I happened to be with Nanwe when I got her letter. So I asked him.

He said yes. Now we endure the teasing. At least until the curtain rises.

"I'm ready sheesh," Kana states opening his door.

His silver robes gleam in the light of Teleprion.

"You didn't sound ready a second ago,"

"Now who's going to make us late?"

"Still you." I pat my brother's shoulder and move toward the stairs.

Here in Formenos we surprisingly have the house to ourselves. Mother and Father left yesterday with Curvo, Turca and Ambarussa. The latter three left hours before the rest. Something about having to meet Orome and the hunters outside Valmar.

Nelyo left an hour ago with Finno. They are making a dinner to pay for the time it took Finno to reach us. Our cousin said he rode through three nights to arrive on time.

The hunters and the dinner is not my concern. Surviving this night is. Minimal teasing, please Iluvatar let there be minimal teasing. I tire of it.

People and when I mean people I mean my family needs to understand Nanwe and I are not going to marry.

Outside the theatre are Nanwe and Tyalmë. They look nice. Very nice.

Tyalmë is wearing a flowing silver dress with silver accents and accessories. She's the embodiment of Teleprion.

Nanwe on the other hand, looks like Laurelin. His golden hair has been braided back accenting his facial structure. His robes are a similar golden colour to his hair.

I suppose I also look like Laurelin. My dress is also golden. How Mori found time to make it, I'll never understand. Yet here it is. I wear it beautifully.

Kana is also dressed like Teleprion. Silver robes, accents and jewelry. The husband and wife are a picture of elegance.

The dresses and robes are fitting. The play is about the fall of the lamps and the growth of the trees.

"Shall we go in?"

"Of course, who has the tickets?" Tyalmë asks looping her arm through her husband's.

"I have them." Nanwe holds up the four golden and silver tickets.

Ah. I was wondering who had those, but why did Nanwe have them? Perhaps Tyalmë gave them to him for safekeeping. It's plausible.

Nanwe offers me his arm. Ignoring Kana and Tyalmë's snickers and comments I take his arm. He is being a gentleman. The steps are hard to navigate in pants let alone a dress.

Inside the theatre, hordes of silver and gold flood the floors. Everyone had the same idea for gold and silver wear. It's mesmerizing. Torchlight shimmers off everyone.

After what seems like an hour we finally make it to our seats. The hardest part was walking up the stairwell and counting the flights.

Now we wait. As we patiently wait for the play to begin a female walks by with wine. Kana waves her down and orders two bottles. With the wine, we get cups and bread.

Kana shoves a bottle into my hands. The label says 1195. Ooh. Almost as old as I am.

I pour myself and Nanwe a glass.

Then the curtain rises.

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