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After long procrastinating, Mercedes joined the United States Army

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After long procrastinating, Mercedes joined the United States Army. She took the career seriously, even joining the Special Forces. With the seriousness of her job as a soldier Mercedes makes the rash decision of cutting communication with Shayden, not wanting to burden her with worry or grief.

Shayden, a sophomore in college when Dee suddenly stops calling and writing. It took a toll on her, she wasn't sure if something had happened to her. But she knew Benzo would have called if so. Shay was heartbroken, the only person she loved had ghosted her without explanation, It took years to recover.

So 6 years later, Mercedes retired from the Military as Purple Heart Veteran. Shayden, a A-list Influencer, hosting her own podcast. They both were leading successful lives. Mercedes developed a career in youth development, owning the Empower program. However, when they come across one another at an Empower Fundraiser event, the unresolved tension between the two opens the door that they have been trying to keep closed.

 However, when they come across one another at an Empower Fundraiser event, the unresolved tension between the two opens the door that they have been trying to keep closed

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