Chapter 12

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We laid together for a while. Mostly in silence. This is the first time I actually physically went this far with someone. The only experience I really had with this was the different romance books I read. A guilty pleasure of mine. I couldn't ask for anything from anyone else though. Im really glad he was the first one I shared this with. I was exited to do more. The fact nothing was rushed made me feel increasingly safer with him. Feeling his hands and fingers lightly trace various shaped across my skin brought me immense comfort. My breathing was deep and slow, his breath matching mine. Signaling we really had that deep connection with each other.

A good while passed and I sighed, deciding it was time to get up. Ominis made a noise of discontent. "I know I'm sorry love. We will have more chances to cuddle. But we gotta get a move on."

"Yeah I know.. what's our first step then?" He asked still in a bumbed tone while I stood up and started getting dressed. I brought my trunk out and picked out some clean underwear. The rest of my clothes were fine to wear again, zipping back on my corset top and comfortable loose pants. He had gotten up and felt around for his clothes, which I helped him locate and he started to get dressed as well in his same outfit. I turned towards him and put my hands on my hips.

"Okay. So I want to check out my parents library first, my dad has a lot of various books of magic, some I was never allowed to read. So those will definitely be top of the list to check out. Natty gave me some books on wandless magic I want to check out. We will be starting with a good bit of reading to see what would be good to learn and practice." I spoke while walking back to my trunk and held my wand to it. "Accio books." I said. And from the magic trunk 4 books came up and floated in front of me. I let the books fall then picked them up and put them on my desk.

"I like the sound of that. I know a book enchantment that makes letters become textured. This'll be fun! Reading and learning together." He said in an exited tone. I looked at him with a surprised expression. I wasn't sure if he was being serious or not.

"Are you being sarcastic?" I asked in an unite tone. He looked offended at that question.

"Sarcastic? No! It may come as a surprise but I genuinely have a passion for learning. And like I've mentioned before, reading acts as a way to escape, even scientific or spell books." He had an energetic demeanor and I laughed. He tilted his head.

"What's so funny?" He asked a bit offended. I shook my head and replied. "Nothing, it was just unexpected. I am indeed surprised. But that's good, because it'll make learning and teaching things much easier. I can't imagine what trying to do this with Sebastian would be like." His expression dropped, letting sadness move onto his face. I sighed at this response and started to head to the door. "Let's go down-.."

"Do you still think about him a lot?" Ominis said interrupting my words and movement. I turned towards him.

"Do you not? He was your best friend. I'm sure you haven't just stopped thinking about him." I tried to reassure him. I thought about him a lot, yes. It was still very fresh.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" He asked with his eyes down. I furrowed my brows at his question, unsure of why all the sudden he was asking about all of this.

"Ominis. I've exchanged a lot of tender and truly passionate moments with you. You really think I'd do that with you if I still had feelings for him?" I got slightly frustrated at his digging into this.

"You can still have deep feelings for more than one person at a time." He said in a sharper tone.

"Ominis I've really tried not to dig into that because I am not ready to. I don't know why all the sudden you bring that up, but I would ask that we find a better time to talk about all of this, when we are both more ready to address everything. Is that okay?" I kept my tone calm and wanted to make a compromise. He paused and his expression stayed heavy with his eyes down. I sighed and walked to him. I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him sweetly. He wrapped his arms around me and leaned into it. Before we broke away and he responded.

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