Chapter 1

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After the events of my fifth year, the weight of all the events finally started to hit. The responsibility of now guarding a very dangerous magic from any and all who know about it or would discover it. My mentor Professor Fig dying in an attempt to save me as the world around me crumbled. Losing my best friend to the dark arts. All the death I had seen and caused. As the house cup rolled around I had no desire to be there for it. I had no desire to be anywhere, There were still people that counted on me though. Ominous had lost his best friend as well. Sebastian and him had known each other for basically their whole lives. Ominous was distraught about his best friend being sent to Azkaban at almost 18 years old. His eyes now laden with sadness. His demeanor changed. He was much less snappy and quick to speak. The others had felt the effects of this year as well. We had all bonded over some sort of trauma, Ominous and I especially. Him and I had tried so hard to stop Sebastian from going mad from the dark arts. We tried everything to try to stop it from consuming him. We quickly learned that all he really cared about was finding a cure for his sister Anne. We knew there was nothing to be done when he cast the killing curse on his own Uncle who also tried to talk sense into him. His uncle had dealt with him for much longer than I did, he wasn't the most gentle to Sebastian about trying to cure Anne. I'm sure he had told Sebastian so many times that at that point I likely would have been just as harsh. I wish his uncle would have tried a little harder to help Sebastian research or find something.  Anything. Sebastian was so frustrated by others' attitude towards the cure for Anne that he spiraled further into anger. Thinking the world was against him. No matter what Ominis, me, or anyone else would've tried, there was no stopping him.

Sebastian and I had expressed interest in each other early on. Both knowing it wasn't any time to try dating due to the crazy events going on. That's what hurts the worst about it all. Eventually, any hope of having something with him vanished. Not because he was now in the most heavily guarded wizard prison in the world, but because he stopped caring about anything else. Once he found out about my supposed ability to take people's pain, which I didn't even actually know how to do, he begged and begged me to find a way to learn it. To talk to the other keepers and ask how to do it. That night in the undercroft I realized then he didn't want or need me for any other reason other than to try to use my power to cure his sister. The ache in my heart at that thought wouldn't let up. It likely wouldn't for a long time. The longer I laid here in my bed the harder it was to convince myself to go to the house cup. Everything else seemed so small and pointless now. When having to fulfill such a greater purpose, school seems to be dwarfed in priority. Another few minutes passed and I heard the room of the requirement door open. The only other people that knew about it other than Deek and professor weasley were Ominis and Sebastian. Not that that fact mattered anymore. I was down a hallway in the more personalized section of my private room. I didn't bother getting up because no matter who it was I knew I was comfortable enough with all of them. I hear footsteps and then Ominis' voice peeps up in its usual more sharp tone. "Y/N?" he questions clearly, wondering if I was in the room. I called back to him. "In the back." I hear his footsteps approaching. Soon after his skinny figure and pale skin came into view, following the red flash coming from his wand.

He turned to face me. Sighing as the image his wand was able to give him. Me laying on my bed. Staring at the ceiling. The room's ambiance was dark and gloomy. It made me feel at peace in my current state. He couldn't tell that part though. He came over to the edge of my bed and turned to sit on it. Facing away and putting his wand down then turning to face me.

"I knew I'd find you in here." he said in a soft tone. All I did in return was a small 'mm' in return.

"I know you don't really want to go to the house cup. Neither do I, but we really should. You and I both know you have other friends waiting there for you. It's what Sebastian would've wanted." his tone weighing with sadness at mention of his name.

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