Chapter 6

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The rest of breakfast was silent. No words exchanged between Ominis and I until the food was gone. I stood up and my dishes took themselves to the sink to start washing themselves. While Ominis still chews his last bites of bacon, I spoke in a cold and stern tone. Feeling my emotion slip away from me the more I thought of scenarios of what could've happened ran through my head. "When you're done, start packing. We leave in an hour. Tops." he hung his head and his jaw stopped chewing to clench tightly. No words escaped him as he knew there was no convincing me to stay and listen to my mothers warning. He sighed and finished chewing then stood up with a solemn expression. His dishes took themselves to the sink as well to be cleaned. He apparated out of the room to go to his common room and start packing. I did the same, getting the few things I needed in my common room before going back to the room of requirement and packing everything else I needed. I used the nab sack to carry two hippogriffs. 30 minutes later I slammed the lid of my trunk down and stood up right. Deek apparating into the room and putting the puzzle together instantly.

"Are you going home already? You had a few more weeks here..?" he questioned, confused. I stared at him for a moment with soulless eyes then grabbed the letter I was now keeping next to me at all times. I walked up to him slowly and harshly held the letter out to him. He took it lightly in his mangle fingertips but I didn't let it go. He looked up at me with his big green eyes, a concerned look encasing him. "Y/N must not go! It could be extremely dangerous!" I tore the note away from him. His fingers made a slight hissing noise as they ran off the page. I leaned down to meet his eyes, he brought his head back slightly at the closeness of us.

"I. Do. Not. Care. You have heard and seen what I am capable of. I will not stay here while my only family left may be in danger, or dead." Deek swallowed and made a disappointed expression. Ominous apparated back into the room with his wand held up and flashing. Trying to process the acne in front of him. His expression was blank but focused. My eyes didn't come up to meet him.

"Deek knows this is not you. Do not go down the same road as seb-" He began, my eyes widened and flickered very briefly with red while I drew my wand to his throat. Ominis's breath staggered and Deek froze, not daring to finish his statement.

"Do not mention his name, or compare me to him." I was blind to my rage, everything I said and felt, was just like Sebastian. I was unable to realize that though. "Sebastian abandoned ALL of his friends. HE killed his OWN family. Ominis is coming with me. And I will only be killing the people who hurt my family." Deek turned around to Omins who's expression was filled with pain. His eyes tearing up with a wavering lip. Ominis managed a smile and softly nodded. Deek sighing and stepping back. I immediately walked to Ominis. Standing in front of him, I didn't grab his hand, or offer any physical reassurance. He had his trunk hanging at his side. I turned to Deek one last time. "Take care of the beasts for me."

"Are you ready?" He simply nodded, not wanting to try to reply to my cold tone. I placed my hand on his shoulder roughly, he flinched slightly at the touch and we apparated outside the castle walls. I stepped forward and pulled out the nab sack, releasing the two hippogriffs I grabbed. Ominis looked nervous. I walked one over and helped Ominis stagger awkwardly onto it. "I put a halter and reins on your hippogriff so you have something more trusting to hang onto. Hera is a very good flier and she knows to follow me. I hopped onto my hippogriff and we headed off.

We flew nearly all day with no rest, until we landed a few miles outside of my hometown. I hopped off Lira and went to help Ominis. He clumsily slid off the hippogriff and walked awkwardly as his legs were sore from being in the same position for so long. "We will walk the remaining distance. That way I can see if I notice anything off and if anyone knows anything." I pulled out the nab sack again and put the hippogriffs back into it. We began walking. Ominis briefly offered his hand while I was already turned away. Hoping to grab it to walk with me. I was in full focus mode, hardly considering him. We walked slowly, once getting into town, the few people out and about glued their eyes to me with concerned expressions. I met each of their eyes with a cold expression. One of the merchants there ran up to me and grabbed my shoulders harshly. I stopped and stared directly into his eyes. "Y/N! You shouldn't be here!" I grabbed his wrists harshly and forced them off of me. "Why?" I said angrily.

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