Chapter 2

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We stood in front of the blank brick wall across from the moving painting of Barnabas the Barmy. Doing the repetitive and silent attempt to teach trolls to dance. Being flattened by clubs over and over. Once the door fully appeared I pushed the door open and placed my hand between Ominis' shoulders to let him step in first. Once he was safely in I stepped in and made sure the door shut behind us. Immediately our noses were greeted with the smell of plants and rich soil. The main part of the room had plants and vines surrounding most of the walls. Potting tables growing all sorts of plants. A t-shaped potion table in one corner of the room. The opposite side of the room has my Desk of Description and Enchanted Loom. A statue of a Graphorn was the first thing you saw as you entered the room. Painting and pinnings of all kinds of beasts, insects, anatomy charts, and more lined this room. A glass entrance to one of my vivariums directly across from the entrance of the room. To the left there was a hallway that led to my private part of the room. Decorated with more plants and often had some sort of beast roaming around. The walls were all a very smooth stone, occasionally lined with wood beam supports. Shelves of books and plants higher up. The ceilings are arch like shapes with greenhouse style windows peaking through. The floors are intricately carved stone slabs. With a large circle in the center, a tree carved in the circle. A beautiful pattern spreading across the whole floor. To the right there was a large and luxurious bed with a large red and gold canopy covering. Like that in which royalty would sleep in. A wooden carved frame held the bed. The rest of the room houses other furniture, paintings, tables, and wall decorations. I brought Ominis over to a comfortable couch and sat down with him. He put his wand away in his robe and gave a deep sigh. I turned toward him. One leg folded up on the couch. My hands in my lap.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, knowing damn well what the answer would be. I felt stupid for asking.

"Like I'm stuck in a riptide with 435 pounds of bricks glued to my chest. '' he said in a plain tone.

I couldn't help but smile at his remark. Trying not to snicker. "435 pounds is very specific." He managed a smile which made my heart happy.

"I can say I'm in the same boat with you though." I said in a reassuring tone. "I'm sorry I couldn't come sit with you. I don't think people would have really minded but I figured you may have needed that."

He nodded. "I did. It's so hard.. Not feeling his presence.." he said. His voice started to shake. I took his hands in mine and watched his expression carefully. "I know. It is hard. I'm realizing that the most annoying things he did are the things I'm missing the most right now." I lowered my head. Rubbing his hands lightly with my thumbs. A gesture I didn't think much of.

"We're never gonna see him again.." he states, the emotions rising in his voice. I could tell he was holding them back. I sighed and kept my eyes down. Feeling myself start to get emotional again too. My mind is sinking into itself, purposefully trying to make me cry. A part of me knew I needed to let it out. Another part wanting to hold it in for Ominis' sake. Let him release it. Don't be more of a burden on him right now. The need for release overcame that thought. I felt myself tear up. I lifted my eyes back up, Ominis already a little past the point of tearing up.

I wouldn't say that. We could technically still see him. But I don't know if we want to. Seeing him in a deranged state in a dark and horrid place." my tone started shaking the more I spoke about it. He nodded in agreement. Not wanting to speak in an attempt to hold back the dam about to flow out of him. I squeezed his hands and pulled him into a hug at my awkward angle. My arms wrapped around his neck. Pulling his head into my shoulder. "It's okay Ominis. We've been through a lot together. You don't have to be scared to cry." My tone started to shake more, my emotions just a second from spilling forward.

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