Part 47: Bountiful Heart pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Dawn!!" called the parents as they help their daughter up.

Dawn starts wailing while her parents dusted her off and checked on her. Her Mom spoke, "Are you alright, baby? Where does it hurt? Here?"

She rubbed Dawn's head while Dad picks her up. "It's okay, stóirín. You just have a small bump is all. We'll get you some ice."

"C-C-Cream?" asked Dawn whimpering.

The parents couldn't help but smile and laugh heartily before taking their child inside. Belos watched them as he stares at the parents with a tiny hint of envy and melancholy in his eyes.

A small figure runs past Belos, who caught a glimpse of it from the corner of his eye.

"Dawn?" Belos calls out and follows it out of the frame. "That figure . . . it must be her inner self. It has to be. Dawn!"

The small, blurred figure went to the next gazebo and leaped into another memory. Belos follows after the figure and enters the same memory, which leads him to a dance studio. Dawn was eight now, sitting against the wall and reading a music sheet while waiting for the teacher.

Belos blinks confused and approaches the young Dawn and peek over her shoulder. Attached to the music sheet was a picture of Dawn singing with her grandmother while dancing and holding hands.

Belos comments softly, "She does that with Silbi practically every night. Hmph. Whenever Silbi had Bard lessons she would always make Dawn join her."

Belos recalls catching a glimpse of Silbi from the corner of his eye, who was dragging Dawn.

"Silbi! Slow down!" called Dawn.

"But I wanna practice Bard magic with mama!" replied Silbi excitedly.

"Munchkin, you don't need me for practice! I'm not a witch!"

"But it's more fun, mama! And Big Teacher likes it! Papa, too!"

"Belos? But I've never seen him watch us."

Silbi giggles mischievously while her tiny hand clings to Dawn's.

"Little menace . . ." whispered Belos stubbornly to himself.

"Are you Dawn McCarthy?" asked one of the girls attending.

Belos was brought back from his thoughts and watched the memory before him.

Young Dawn lifts her head and replies, "Hm? yeah, that's me."

"Hi! I'm Jasmine! Jazzy, for short! We go to the same school as you!" said a black chubby girl with curly hair and a big friendly smile. "And this here is Paula! We wanna be your friends"

Behind Jazzy was a girl with vibrant red hair with bangs covering her blue eyes. She points at Dawn and bluntly says, "You're a brute."

"Excuse me?" asked Dawn, who blinks confused and so did Belos.

Jazzy exclaims, "Paula! You can't say that! That's rude, girl!"

"But she is," said Paula, "We saw her punch that boy during art class."

Belos turns back at young Dawn, who now understood what that girl meant. "O-Oh, I get it. Hee hee, I guess I did punch him hard . . ."

Paula adds, "You sent him to the Nurse's Office."

"Don't remind me . . ." said Dawn embarrassed. "B-But he started it! First, he stole one of my markers and then used it to draw a big X on it! It was supposed to be a Mother's Day gift for Mommy, but I end up in the principal's office and not him!"

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