Chapter 46 Fuck You Very Much

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The drive to the palace felt as if I am going nowhere, stuck in a loop , turning the radio on just made me feel even worse. Songs blare through the car making my pent up tears burst through the dam. I drive the back way behind the palace, not bothering to pull into the garage. I orb to our command center. Bryant turns before I could utter a word holding his arms open. I run right into his embrace. Bryant rubs my back.

"Let it out, Laina. You have a right to not be strong all the time, just let it out. I'm here for you and always will be."

I am a sobbing mess trying to speak, "I tried, I tried three times, It is like he just wants to concentrate on the external problems and it will mysteriously solve everything."

"Laina, you are forgetting something. He is over a century old. A woman being independent is one thing, but you are beyond extraordinary. You are a queen bad ass, the youngest commander in thousands of years, perfect battle record, intelligent, a humanitarian. Most of all you're my sister, you've been there for me before I took my first breath. This is new territory for the both of you."

I pull away a little to look up at him, "I thought you were on my side?"

"I'm always on your side, he loves you and you know that. I am looking at it from his perspective. Not making any excuses for Nolan, far from it. With his mother here, I understand him more."

"Look at you sounding like Dad. You'll be a good fa...leader of any pack or clan you mate into." I almost let that little future secret slip. "Thanks?"

What did Elaina mean by that? She always gives me cryptic answers. I am so used to it; I don't even bother trying to ask anymore. But today isn't that day. "Laina, did you see something about my future?"

"Of course not, why would you say that? I would tell you anything you needed to know."

"Exactly, only what you think I need to know. You're home and our parents are going to bombard you with questions. So spill it, what are you hiding?"

"Nothing you need to worry about." I'm never gonna get her to budge. Might as well leave it alone.

"That is why I'm sleeping here tonight. I will deal with them in the morning and my mother in law. Go move my truck before anyone notices. I'll be above ground tonight on the second floor. Come spend some time with me later, a sibling sleep over is in order."

I kiss her head taking her keys with me. I navigate through the tunnel hoping these two could come to some middle ground sooner rather than later. Their destiny was hanging in the balance. Elaina is so determined to really believe she will die and that will be it. I feel there is more to it, I've never had her gift of sight. I've always trusted the feeling I got in my gut; it has never steered me wrong. My phone begins to ring suddenly.

"Speak of the devil, Nolan."

"Elaina is here, she isn't in a place to see or speak to you tonight. But there is something you need to see. It will give you a better understanding of who she is, meet me at the palace garden in 20 minutes." She would kill me if she knew I am even talking to Nolan, much less the aftermath she struggled with years after. I fear there is no other way. I orb into her vault of witchy things grabbing her small obsidian mirror and one drop of her blood from the vial she left for future generations. If she failed to stop Allister from being resurrected, they would learn from her mistakes, hopefully never repeating them.

Nolan is in the shadows at the back door of the palace gardens. I signal for him to follow me. We move in silence to the palace library. No one would think to come in here this time of night, much less Elaina. The queen was off on a run through the pack territory as well, only leaving the palace servants in their quarters. "There are things you'll never know about my sister unless I show you. It is only fair that you have insight." Nolan did not respond, but I knew he was onboard. I locked the library doors behind me. I presented her smaller obsidian mirror in front of him. Nolan did not flinch as it hovered below his chin. "This is one drop of my sister's blood. I set parameters for you only to see key events in her life and nothing further. Whatever she tells you after that is up to her."

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