Chapter 45 I'm Sick Of This Shit

Start from the beginning

"What's up, Nolan"

" Bryant, I'm not sure what I did but Elaina is really pissed. I don't know why or what to do to fix it."

"Did you two talk yet?"

"No, honestly we haven't . I know she said she wanted to tell me what she learned at the realm. I hadn't had a chance to sit down to listen."

"You fucked up, regardless of anything else, she wanted to share something with you. Elaina is very private, especially with her own personal shit. Which is why she never shared what she is to anyone outside of her legion, our family or those in the realm. The fact that my sister wanted to tell you immediately before even our parents is big. I don't know how you're going to fix it, but you better!"

" You're right, I need to fix this," hanging my head down in shame.

"I hope you do for your sake and for hers."

"Do you know what it is that's got her all upset?"

"Yeah man, of course I do. She had no one else to tell with you being your fathers lackey the past few days. It is not my place to tell you nor do I have a right to. Plus I swore I wouldn't tell you or my parents. This affects you both, that is all I'm going to say."

"Thanks. I'm going to Ominous and see if I can get her to talk to me."

Club Ominous

I sat in my private booth just looking out at nothing. A tear tried to escape my eye; I wiped it away quickly before anyone noticed. Michelle plopped down next to me, "Penny for your thoughts."

"It's nothing, don't worry about me." I put on a smile and began to change the subject, "Let us talk about you, we have a week's long pre hand fasting celebration around the corner." Michelle began to talk; I really didn't hear a single word she said. I was focused on Nolan's approaching form. My irritation had hit its pinnacle.

"Elaina, I need to talk to you, can we go to some place private?"

"No! The performance is about to start. I'm afraid I don't have the time for this."

"Elaina, Please!"

"I said no!"

Michelle was likely being suffocated by my clear anger build up, "I should leave you two to talk."

"Michelle sit down, Nolan was just leaving." I didn't mean to throw out my aura on Michelle, I will have to apologize to her later for that abuse of power, because of this asshole mate of mine.

"I'm not going anywhere, Elaina. Not until you talk to me!"

Now he has the time to talk after I practically begged him. I even sent his father away faster than my parents could but still he made not one solitary minute for me.

"If you aren't then I am." I got up and he tried to follow me only to find himself trapped in a four by four square of space. His eyes were on me as I left. Nolan couldn't link me no matter how hard he pushed. I left not only VIP but my entire club, linking everyone as I got to my truck.

"Well, I suggest you sit down, Nolan. When she usually does this, it only lasts no more than ten minutes. Give her a chance to cool off." I did what Michelle suggested and took my seat. The artist arrived on stage, " This is my new single Damage, I hope you all enjoy it."

The bridge was starting to get to me, at this point I don't know why it took this to see what she was so upset. A four minute song slapped sense into me more than anything else. Gabriella thanked everyone after receiving a resounding applause.

"This song you're all familiar with from my first album"

She began performing Focus. These songs were beating my ass just as hard as Elaina could. I was embroiled in my father's bullshit. Is this how my mother felt with my father all those years ago? How much did I think Elaina could tolerate? I was disgusted with myself. Would she even forgive me? I was stuck in my father's trap and having to be the one to save her. Not realizing by doing so, I wasn't actually focused on her. Elaina's face and eyes were telling me everything, I glossed it over with all the dumb distractions. I made this about me and appeasing a tyrant. How could I be this stupid.

"I think you may be free to go now."

"Oh yeah, thanks. Michelle do you know where she would go?"

"Since her inordinate anger is focused on you, she clearly will not be going home . She has no reason to go to her apartment, it has been packed out already. The only other place she would go is to her parents or the realm. The only reason I'm helping you is because this was the happiest I've seen her since I've known her. We all make mistakes; I can see you really love her. Just don't make making mistakes a habit. Fix whatever this is between you two and fix it fast. No matter how long it takes."

"Thank you Michelle. I'll do my best."

"Don't do your best, go beyond your best. Elaina is worth more than anyone's best."

My temporary prison was dropped allowing me full movement. I reached the parking lot with her Tahoe gone. I linked Charles to see if she may have come home, his prompt response was a resounding no. I can't get into the realm just yet, plus I didn't know how. This only left her parents with my mother there; leaving me open to be reprimanded.


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