Part Six

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Saturday was Wayne’s only real night off work. Ever since Eddie had come home with Lucy he’d taken to working Friday’s to be able to put back something of a nest egg for the two whenever the time came for them to get out on their own. And this week was no different. Eddie took Lucy to Sarah in the morning to give Wayne time to rest up before they spent the evening together as a family. Saturdays were always fun. They’d listen to music and make dinner together. Wayne and Eddie would catch up, telling each other anything they might have missed over the week while Lucy banged toys together in the living room.

Lucy had just finished eating when Wayne decided that tonight was the night he was going to talk to Eddie. He wasn’t looking forward to it. Eddie was, and always had been, reserved with his feelings. It was a Munson family trait, unfortunately. Which was the biggest reason Wayne almost didn’t bring it up at all. The idea of sitting across the table from Eddie while they both awkwardly poked at their dinners instead of saying what they were thinking was less than appealing.

Eddie took Lucy into the bathroom to wash her up before bed. Wayne smiled to himself in the kitchen as he heard Eddie softly singing to Lucy. It was sweet, the way he loved her so much. The circumstances weren’t great, and he was still pissed as hell that Eddie waited until she was four months old to call him. But he really did love watching Eddie be a dad. He was a lot like his mother had been when he was a baby. Soft and sweet, completely in love with every single dark hair on Lucy’s head.

When Eddie laid Lucy down in her crib, the two men took their dinners outside. It had become part of their routine. They’d eat outside while Lucy fell asleep. She’d proven time and time again that if either of them was around, she would not go down easily. She knew that one little sound from her would send either of them into a frenzy and they’d pick her up. She had both of them wrapped tightly around her pudgy little finger and she knew it.

The air outside was cool and quiet as the men ate in peace. The sun was beginning to set on the opposite side of the home and a few summer fireflies were dotting along in the yard in front of them. Wayne almost chickened out. He almost allowed the night to proceed as normal without bringing up the topic that had been burning in his head for days.

"Seem to be settling' back in alright," Wayne said suddenly.

Eddie nodded, taking a bite of his dinner before answering. "Guess so," he answered.

"Ain't seen ya really spending time with any of your old friends."

Eddie chuckled, unamused. "All my old friends are in New York."

“The kid at Joe’s…”

“Steve,” Eddie finished for him as he swallowed.

“Steve,” Wayne confirmed. “This the same Steve from before?”

Eddie nodded, a smirk on his face. “I don’t know that many Steve’s, so probably.”

Wayne nodded. He took a bit of chicken from his plate to buy himself a few precious seconds before he had to spill it. “So you, uh… You still carryin’ a torch for 'im then?”

Eddie began to cough violently as soon as the words left his uncle's mouth. He wasn’t sure if he was actually choking or if it was just the sheer surprise that lodged the half chewed noodle in his throat but he didn’t much care for it either way. As soon as he was able to breathe again and his lungs didn’t feel on fire from lack of oxygen, he fixed his uncle with a confused glare. “What the hell are you talking about?” He asked, still slightly out of breath from his coughing fit.

Wayne shrugged. “Just askin’s all.”

“Asking what? If I have a thing for Harrington?” Eddie asked. His voice pitched up just a bit, laced with panic as he did his best to deflect what he saw as an accusation.

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