Episode 5

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After recovering from my near-death experience, I was finally let out of the house and able to return to the group where I was greeted warmly by everyone except Daryl. Suddenly, he just seemed distant from me, and I couldn't figure out why. 

    I was sitting with everyone the next morning and eating breakfast with everyone. After my warm greeting, everything seemed to fall silent. Nothing left but the sound of silverware on their plates and Andrea sharpening her knife on a cheese grater. It hadn’t even occurred to me to sharpen it that way, but now that I think about it, I was going to need to sharpen my knife. All that carving on wood was hell on the blade. 

    I was sitting beside Andrea while she worked and skipped her food, and Daryl was right across from me. Rick ate with Lori and Carl while Dale and Shane ate further away. Carol and T-dog were sitting in front of me at the fire, and then Glenn walked in front of me with his hands in his pockets. When I looked up to see him, I saw Maggie back at her house and watching us with her arms crossed.

    “Um, guys?” I heard Glenn speak and looked over to him to see he was deadly serious and was rubbing his jaw nervously “so...the barns full of walkers” he just let it fall out into the open and this news created a whole new kind of silence. there was not even any breathing as all eyes landed on Glenn to see if he was telling the truth. I knew from my experience of being in and out of consciousness that he was not lying or playing any game. No one said anything. Instead, Rick just stood up and started to walk toward the barn, followed closely by Shane, who was glaring at Glenn. 

    I stood up and followed after them. When we got to the barn, Shane got up close and took a long look inside before he turned around and walked back to us as we all stood a couple feet away from the door.

    “You can not tell me you're alright with this?” Shane said to rick in a low voice 

    “No I’m not, but we’re guests here, and this isn’t our land-”

    “This is our lives!” Shane snapped at him

    “Lower your voice” Glenn cautioned. Shane and I agreed. These things must already be irritated by us just being this close, let alone all the screaming

    “We can't just sweep this under the rug” Andrea spoke up. I looked at Rick and saw he was thinking hard and angry that something like this could have been kept from him.

    “It ain’t right. not remotely...okay we’ve either got to go in there, we gotta make things right, or we just got to go” Shane told Rick, giving him his only options, and I looked to him

    “We can't just leave” I told him, speaking up 

    “You haven't been here long, Jade, and right now, you're still recovering-”

    “So what?” I snapped at him “They’re locked up tight enough right now, so we have some time to-”

    “My god, do you hear yourself?” he laughed at me, and I glared at him “Rick we have been talking about Fort benning for a long time-”

    “We can’t go” Rick cut him off, trying to get a moment to think

    “Why, Rick? why?” he asked 

    “Because my daughter is still out there” Carol spoke up and looked at him with pleading eyes. 

    “Okay” Shane started and rubbed his face, trying to hide his laugh “okay I think it’s time that we all start to just...consider the other possibility-”

    “No! that is such crap Shane if you found me, then there's still a chance we could find Sophia-we can’t leave yet-”

    “I’m close to finding this girl. I just found her damn doll two days ago” Daryl added, stepping up to my side and telling him

Surviving the Walking Dead: Season 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora