Episode 3

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'"Jade, you okay?" I looked over to see Rick kneeling beside me
"Rick?" I asked, my eyes tearing up with releaf
"I can't believe you're still alive." he smiled at me and laughed lightly, and I nodded. He held out his hand for me, and I took it, and he pulled me up, and we gave each other a hug.
"You really were looking for me," I laughed lightly as I pulled away to him. "Where's the others?" I asked
"They're back at the highway with Sophia," he said, and I smiled
"Oh, thank god, she's okay." I breathed but heard a thumping and ripped my knife out and looked around
"What?" Rick asked me, and I looked round
"Did you hear that?" I asked him,"That thumping sound?" I asked but got no reply. "Rick?" I asked and turned around, but he was long gone, and I was left alone. I heard the thumping again, and this time, it was so much closer than before. I turned to follow the sound but saw nothing. It was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Somehow, I couldn't make heads or tails of it until I finally saw a horse running through the woods.
I watched it as it stopped, then turned right at me'

I shot open my eyes and looked around to see a horse had just raced by me and off into the distance. I quickly came to realize that what I saw was just a dream, and I was, in fact, still alone except for the horse. I looked around and pulled my knife out. I stood up and watched after the horse as it ran away from where the sun had risen. I looked down and saw the horse tracks on the ground, and since they were super fresh, I might be able to follow them from wherever they came from.

I gathered my bottle and sling before following the tracks. However, on my way there, I was stumbling on anything and everything you could think of. My energy was at an all-time low. This was my last chance to get somewhere because I wasn't finding much food to keep me going. After walking for...who the hell knows how long I've been walking. I started to lose track of time at this point.

I came to a ridge that led me back to the large body of water I had seen yesterday before going to sleep. Following the tracks led me to the top of a small kind of waterfall that led to the river I had been using this whole time. This must have been the main source of water.

"Great... mystery horse has led me to a cliff I can throw myself from..." I scoffed at myself as I started down into the water and wondered how deep it really was or if it was nothing. I was just staring off until I saw movement. I moved to see better and saw it was a walker, but it seemed to be very interested in something off on the side of the bank.

I squinted, seeing something red on the side that made out the shape of a person. A living person?

"Holy shit!" I breathed and looked around for the quickest way down, but the fastest way was to go down the waterfall. I rushed to the trees and skidded down the side, and used the trees to keep me as steady as I could until I finally tripped and landed onto the hard, wet sand. I winced in pain, but my focus wasn't on catching my breath. It was on the stranger. I had to get to the person and help them. maybe they would help me.

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