Chapter 6

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Alpha received the news. She rushed over to Mitsugoshi Research Lab as quick as she could.

Inside a room filled with machinery creations developed by Eta's own use of Shadow Wisdom, a purple-haired elf in a white lab coat was resting her head on the working bench.

"Alpha-sama...welcome." Slightly turning her head to look, Eta greeted her leader with a half-asleep expression.

"I read your message, Eta. Impeccable timing as always." Said Alpha as she turned to other presences in the room. "Oh? I did not know you two are here."

Eta wasn't alone. Two of the Seven Shades were also in the room with her. Alpha was somewhat surprised to see them gathered here in the meeting without prior notice.

"Good morning, Alpha-sama."

"Greetings, Lady Alpha."

Beta and Epsilon respectively bowed at the arrival of their leader.

Beta was holding the book recovered from Cid's room and a small note she always brings with her for reporting duty or whenever inspiration strikes. While her arms folded underneath the ample chest, Epsilon was observing the glittering fragment of wood board kept inside a tube for analyzing before her attention shifts to Alpha.

"Beta. Epsilon. I went over your individual reports. Since you two are here, is there any update I should know about?"

"My apology, Alpha-sama. As of now, there's nothing that I can show you on my part." Beta said, hint of dismay lingered in her voice. "I've only been here to help Eta decrypting the message Shadow-sama left behind."

"Same. There's been no progress in my search, I'm afraid. I was needed here to support an experiment related to the evidence you found." Epsilon added. "Though there has been a small disturbance among the members of my unit."

"Disturbance?" Alpha raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Currently, Kai and Omega are watching over Victoria. She's been unstable ever since the news of Lord Shadow's predicament. I may need Lambda to supervise her for the time being."

"Approved." Alpha nodded. "The situation has been roughed for everyone. Once we're done here, send your request to Lambda and escort No.559 back to Alexandria, help her get some rest."

"Understood, Lady Alpha."

"Now, back to the topic. If you two are here to help Eta and the work is done, I believe we have finally come up with the answers to this whole incident."

All three members nodded in sync, albeit Eta's movement was a bit slower.

"Very well. Where do I start?"

"Epsilon." Eta spoke up. "Go first."

Gently pushed her feet, Eta and the chair she was sitting smoothly glided towards a control board, which was placed at the center of the room. The rolling chair was the first prototype model produced by Mitsugoshi Furniture branch. It was made exclusive for Eta to maneuver at her own convenience, partly because she was often drained due to the active use of Shadow Wisdom bestowed by her Master.

While the purple-haired elf's fingers danced on the many buttons, Epsilon proceeded to use a tweezer and carefully placed the wood fragment on a flat plate. Then, the plate was moved into one of Eta's lab instruments.

"Microscope. Good for examining objects...too small for naked eyes to see." Eta explained, her eyes never left the control board.

After looking through the eye lenses to adjust accordingly to her vision, Epsilon stepped away for Alpha to share their discovery.

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