Chapter 2

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In the evening, her carriage finally came to a definite stop. She pulled up the hood to cover her face and stepped out of horse-drawn vehicle. The outskirt of the city welcomed her arrival.

"Thank you." Spoken to the coachman, she gave him a small bow.

The carriage turned around and became fainter in the distance. As it was out of sight, she turned to the cloudless night sky and stared at the moon. Just a moment ago, before the transportation reached the outskirt, she saw something like a blur silhouette flew past the moonlight. She could be mistaken, but it certainly left an impression in her memory.

Shaking her head lightly to forget the thought, she began to focus on the task at hand and checked on her belongings. A small, capable luggage of Mitsugoshi brand accompanied her along this would-be-short journey and a longsword that highlighted her status in countless battles.

In a city where orders have never entered the picture, her sets of skills are undoubtedly necessary and vital. She would not tread her steps so lightly. However, she was prepared for this one quest. She approached the gate, black glove covered hands placed on the handle and pushed. There was no guard available around to do that for her. The gate also appeared to be in a very bad state of maintenance as lots of dents can be seen along the body.

As expected of the Lawless City.

"The first place to go from here..."

While she muttered, her ears picked up a sharp sound. A part of gate that attached to the wall busted, it collapsed before her eyes. She didn't expect it to be so fragile.

Then, her eyes would widen in disbelief.

The aftermath of a battle greeted her in the manner of bodies stacking on top each other. Knifes and weapons scattered on the ground. She saw broken teeth, bruises and bended limbs. Weak disgruntle and echoes of painful gasps filled the air.

She understood now.

It wasn't like no guards were assigned to watch the entrance. They were actually here, buried beneath the pile of bodies despite their large build. She didn't know them personally, but she could take a guess by looking at their identical armor plates. These two and the rest, she could even tell what kind of life these men have been living in this unlawful place. After all, they reeked the same smell and she was forced to pinch her nose upon first sniff. It was the unpleasant type of aroma that told the stories of bloodshed and lots of bad deeds.

"What happened?" She asked them, minding none of the unconscious people laying on top.

"His fault...demanded the masked guy...admission fee...triple..."

Masked guy?

"...the bastard...too strong...too quick...the whole use..."

For every single word one of them spoke, the air sucking through the remaining tooth in their mouths always made that funny, chirping noises.

She didn't find it hilarious, though. She won't judge if they were deserving of the outcome, she cared less about that. She was more concerned about the situation these people caused to themselves.

This was the doing of a single person?

Whatever the masked person did, they completely broke the will to fight in these men with just enough inflicted damage and a few broken bonds. None of their lives seemed to be in danger.

"...why...we got weapons...and magic...he only has his fists..."

How interesting.

This battle was recent. Such an existence had only passed through here not that long ago. She felt a thin smile forming on her lip. She could feel the slightest touch from the warrior within her emerging in excitement. But she had to suppress it. Their paths would soon cross, that was the feeling she got.

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