Kage-Jitsu 01

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Beatrix: It's nice to sit and eat lunch with you.

Cid: Uh huh.

Beatrix: An outdoor table filled with burgers. A clear stream of water flowing in the canal. The gentle wind. Two people eat together. A beautiful day, isn't it?

Cid: It's sure it.

Beatrix: Hm.

Cid: *Opening his notebook*

Beatrix: How is school?

Cid: Classes are great.

Beatrix: I see.

Cid: Uh huh.

Beatrix: *Taking a bite*

Cid: *Doodling*

Beatrix: *Chewing*

Cid: *Doodling*

Beatrix: *Chewing*

Cid: *Frowning. Erasing the content.*

Beatrix: *Drinking*

Cid: *Scratching his head. Doodling*

Beatrix: *Staring*

Cid: *Doodling*

Beatrix: Cid...

Cid: Hm?

Beatrix: Were you ignoring me?

Cid: I wasn't ignoring you.

Beatrix: Then, are you listening?

Cid: I'm listening.

Beatrix: You are?

Cid: I am.

Beatrix: Really?

Cid: Really.

Beatrix: I see. You are listening.

Cid: Yeah. I'm listening.

Beatrix: What are you drawing?

Cid: An idea I've never thought possible.

Beatrix: What is that?

Cid: The new height of fantasy and adventure mixing with a little reminiscence from a time once past.

Beatrix: That looks like an interesting concept.

Cid: It is interesting.

Beatrix: Is it for an assignment in your art class?

Cid: Not really.

Beatrix: Can I see it?

Cid: Yes. But only when the time comes.

Beatrix: Now I'm very curious.

Cid: *Smiling. Grab a burger and eat.*

Beatrix: How long I should wait until that time?

Cid: I can't say for sure. Probably a while, I'm struggling to come up with a specific characteristic for this.

Beatrix: Specific characteristic? Like a theme...for this work?

Cid: Yeah, that! It's something like that!

Beatrix: What do you have in mind?

Cid: I'm thinking of an existence with a blurry presence at first, then it slowly becomes more prominent while the insight is still engulfed by a dense layer of mystery. At the same time, it's robust and raw in nature.

Beatrix: That's quite a strange description. I'm not sure if I've ever heard or seen something like that.

Cid: Exactly.

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