Chapter 46

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Melanie's P.O.V
So now 5 months later and lexi is 5 months and the boy are now starting primary school we're has the time gone the boys are now 5 and I'm now 20 with 3 kids as I was 16 then I had the twins and 20 when I had lexi and in 2 mouths I will 21 with 3 kids but I would change it for the world I love them all and Anthony of course even if he is annoying at times.

I wake up with Anthony rocking Lexi and waking around our room. I sit up and ask if I could try to calm her down. I take Lexi and breastfeed her and she calms down "there there princess you were only hungry" Anthony kisses my head and says "sorry we woke up my queen the wedding is tomorrow and I'm already messing up you beauty sleep" I look at Anthony and says "it's ok babe you are taking boys right so I can take wee Lexi to myself with the girls" he nods and take Lexi so I can clean myself up.


I cuddle with miles and Calum as there leaving with Anthony soon and Anthony has Lexi as I am looking after her with the girls

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I cuddle with miles and Calum as there leaving with Anthony soon and Anthony has Lexi as I am looking after her with the girls. It's that time that I now hate saying goodbye to Anthony til the morning and the twins since I had them they have never leaved my side now they have for the night.

The girls are now here helping with Lexi but I feel like there's something wrong like I there is something happening and it's really bad but I can't put my finger on it really. My sister Cheryl is here with maddie she almost year now I can't believe it. Lexi is in her play area with maddie so us girl can go out nails and that. I walk over to check on Lexi and maddie and Lexi has a little cut on her face I tell Cheryl and she tells me that maddie is now grabbing everything and that and her nail might of got Lexi I told her to don't worry about it as miles and Calum was like that when they were younger. I clean the wee cut on Lexi and FaceTimes here daddy "Lexi it's daddy" but then I see a girl in the background and I ask who is was and he get a little scared "Anthony who is that" he says it's a some girl then the guys know but then she hugs my boys I flip "get away from my sons Anthony" he tells to calm down but then she kisses Anthony I hang up.

I stay up a little with Lexi and thinking about Anthony kissing her then I hear the first door then Anthony walks in "babe I never kissed her back" I don't look at him how could he do this a day before the wedding "were the twins" he looks at me and says "Melanie they have name miles and Calum" I look at them "I know what I called them Anthony I didn't go though 2 hour of labour for nothing" I pick up Lexi "and before you start Lexi needs her sleep". He walks for me to come back and then he says "Melanie if you don't want to get married and go with someone else then do it" I look at him and says "you know Anthony I was cheated on before and that" he nods ad leaves.

The next day

I wake up and gets ready for our wedding day I pick up Lexi and I get a call from Anthony and I answer "ok Anthony calm down babe of course I am goi g to marry you" then I hear something from Lexi "dada" I look at her and put the phone to her ear "dada" I take the phone and Anthony is so happy that her first word and it was dad for Anthony.

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