chaper 45

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Melanie's P.O.V
So we are now home with baby lexi that Anthony will not let me hold as he come home from work it all lexi but she is his first child and that. But Anthony hasn't been talking to me or nothing the twins thinks that he loves lexi more then all of us and I have to keep telling them there also love them. I try to talk to him about leaving me and the boys out but he just looks at me and walks out of the room with lexi like I am the one who is feeding her breast milk. Before we had lexi Anthony was so nice to me and everything but as soon as lexi was born everything has changed it all about lexi and Jason isn't like with his daughter maddie so what has got into Anthony.

I walk downstairs to get food and Anthony throws lexi up in the air I just look at him and says "You could of hurt her" he just looks at and says "feed her and change her and then give her to me" I feel a little hurt the boy I'm going to marry is acting so mean to me and wouldn't even talk to me I feed and change lexi and gives him lexi again I start to walk even when Anthony saw my tears and asked me what's wrong and what I do is keep walking and goes and locks our bedroom door so I change in peace.


I walk out the room and Anthony was standing there looking down at me I look up and say "Anthony just move out of the way " he does and I can see the hurt on his face but it's not my fault he was mad to me first

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I walk out the room and Anthony was standing there looking down at me I look up and say "Anthony just move out of the way " he does and I can see the hurt on his face but it's not my fault he was mad to me first. I walks downstairs and sees lexi in her baby swing chair sleeping. Anthony stands behind me and says "Yeah she's sleeping so what do you want to talk about babe" oh that pissed me off like "so im babe after everything  I went though yesterday and the day before you never want to talk to me or let me hold my own baby it's always you who has to have her she not just your baby you know she our baby Anthony" I start to walk when Anthony turn me around and wraps his arms around me "I'm sorry baby I do love you" I look up at him and says "then spend time with me and the twins  they also feel leaved out babe" he picks up and kisses me and says "is my baby happy again" I smiled and said "yes she is"

1 hour later Anthony is still playing with the twins and I'm feeding lexi and get some cuddles from her. Me and Anthony is doing great now and the twins love spending time with there dad Anthony come over to me and hold my arms that's also holding lexi "How's my two princesses doing" I look at him as smiles "we are going good lexi is almost sleeping again so yous can keep playing.

Once I put lexi in the crib I run out to Anthony and jumps on his back. He's messes about with all of us til we hear someone inside the house and I ran to lexi as fast as I can bit see jake with her. "What the hell you scared us" He's looks at me "sis I texted you" I look at him "my phone was on the table jake I didn't see ot I'm so sorry" he hugs me "sis its OK you have a baby again in the family don't worry" Anthony walks in and sees jake "You never told us your coming" he looks at Anthony "I texted Melanie but I forgot she would be busy with the twins and lexi"

We all hang out and Anthony has his arms wrapped around me while the twins play with jake and lexi is in her crib beside us my wee family is so happy with Anthony in it and our new daughter lexi.

Anthony's P.O.V
After me and Melanie's talk I made sure to treat her like a queen as we are getting married soon and all and she's the sweet girl I have ever meant and lexi just looks like her mummy in every way. I help Melanie put lexi down for a nap and let Melanie play with my hair for while. Melanie falls asleep so I got the twins and told them to we are going to the store to get Melanie food and presents.

Once we hot back Melanie was walk around the kitchen table with lexi in her arms. When she sees us she smile and hugs the twins and says that lexi woke up and was crying and she only got her settled now. I look at lexi and takes her off Melanie and looks at my little baby girl and says "are you giving mummy a hard time wee woman" and I give Melanie the bag of things amd she opens it and see all her favourite thing "omg babe you got me my favourite chocolate and other things".

Me and Melanie get all the kids to bed as it's night time and then we cuddle up and goes to bed.

Other chapter for you guys sorry it took so long I didn't know what to do for this one.


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