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Chapter 17: Mother

“Are you hungry?” Su Xiaoxiao asked.

The three little fellows were too excited to go out this morning and did not eat properly at home. They only wanted to come out and play.

The three of them nodded.

Su Xiaoxiao remembered that there was a stall selling dumplings and glutinous rice balls nearby. The couple had been doing this for many years and it had always tasted good. Moreover, it was in the same direction as the clinic.

Su Xiaoxiao brought the three little ones to the stall.

After breakfast, there were no more customers. The boss was not around, and the lady boss was standing behind the stall wrapping dumplings. There was also a seven-year-old girl helping to pluck vegetables.

She was the first to see the guest. She tugged at the landlady’s clothes. “Mom, there’s a guest.”

The lady boss recognized Su Xiaoxiao. After all, there weren’t many customers who were so fat. She could remember her for a long time.

“Miss, would you have two bowls of rice wine glutinous rice balls and a bowl of spicy soup dumplings today?” she asked pleasantly.

The main dish was huge. She could eat three bowls at a time, and both bowls were sweet. It was no wonder she was fat.

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In order to lose weight, Su Xiaoxiao decided to resist the urge to eat. She asked the three little ones, “Do you want to eat dumplings or glutinous rice balls?”

The three of them said nothing.

The lady boss looked down and realized that there were three little balls beside the fat girl.

The little balls were adorable. Their faces were red like three lucky dolls who had walked out of a New Year painting.

The lady boss had never seen such beautiful children and could not help but ask, “Miss, they are…”

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the little girl who was leaning against the lady boss and then at the three envious children. She said seriously, “My sons.”

The three little ones were stunned.

The lady boss was also stunned.

Su Xiaoxiao was too young to be the mother of three children. However, in this chaotic world, there were girls who had married long ago.

The lady boss smiled and said, “Three sons. How lucky.”

Su Xiaoxiao smiled.

Su Xiaoxiao asked the three of them again, “Dumplings, glutinous rice balls, which one do you want to eat?”

The three little ones only said, “Mom.”

She knew this would happen.

Su Xiaoxiao coughed and replied vaguely, “Yes, what do you want to eat?”

The three little eyes were bright.

Su Xiaoxiao turned her face away and muttered softly, “Don’t look at me like that. It’s my first time being a mother… I might not be able to do it well…”


One of the little beans pointed at the dumplings.

Su Xiaoxiao was surprised. Did he say the second word so quickly?

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