Chapter 8 Solangelo smut

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The setting sun cast a pearly glow over Camp Halfblood. Although the day was ending, the chattering voices didn't sound tired at all.

10 demigods sat around a long table talking and laughing with each other. Percy was listening to Reyna, who was sitting across from him, explain about the university at Camp Jupiter. With one hand, Percy was scrawling notes (although they looked more like random doodles to Nico than anything with actual meaning) and his other arm was around his girlfriend, Annabeth. Annabeth was chatting and giggling with Piper about some girly subject or another and Leo and Frank who were opposite them were laughing at some joke that one of them had just made. Nico wasn't paying very much to either of their conversations. He was instead, extremely distracted by a highly attractive son of Apollo who was sitting opposite him talking to Jason.

Will was laughing at the story that Jason was telling him. Something to do with a bull or a cow or something but Nico was too caught up in the way Will was adorably brushing his hair out of his eyes occasionally and the way his eyes were shining in the low light and his...

"Nico!" said Hazel snapping her fingers in front of his face "Are you even listening at all?" Nico shook himself out of his daydreaming. "Sorry what were you saying?" Nico asked trying to remember what his conversation with Hazel had been about. "I was asking if you liked anyone. It's just that everyone else is a couple and I was wondering if you'd found that special someone yet." Hazel said, looking at him expectantly.

His throat tightened. Yes was the truthful answer. He had been dating Will for a while but they hadn't officially come out as a couple yet. The table had fallen silent, all the other teens looking at him curiously. " No-one special yet. Just friends." Nico croaked, his throat suddenly dry from embarrassment. "Aww, it's ok man, I'm sure you'll find someone soon" Jason said as the demigods sat back in their seats. Nico's eyes flickered to Will's long enough to see him narrow his eyes.

Nico ignored him and continued his conversation with Hazel who was talking about the plans for a Greek demigod cabin in Camp Jupiter for any demigods from Camp Halfblood who wanted to stay. Nico had almost forgotten his earlier embarrassment when he felt a foot on his calf. He glanced across the table at Will who was still talking to Jason, his face perfectly straight as though he had no idea what was going on.

Will's foot shifted higher, rubbing against Nico's thigh sending tingles to a place he did not want when he was sitting at a table with 9 other teenagers. "Nico, are you ok?" Hazel asked, her eyes filled with concern "You seem a little distracted." You would be distracted if your highly attractive boyfriend had his foot this close to your crotch, Nico thought. "No, I'm fine. I'm just a bit tire-" Nico's voice cut off with a squeak as Will's foot pressed directly on to his already slightly hard crotch.

"Nico are you sure?" Hazel asked sounding worried. Nico nodded, biting his lip to hold back a moan as Will's foot pressed into his crotch again. Hazel didn't look like she believed him but turned to Frank instead. "It is getting late, maybe we should head to bed?" Hazel suggested. Yes, Nico thought, the sooner I can get away from this dinner and back into the peace of my cabin to deal with the sexual frustration that my boyfriend has caused me the better.

"Oh come on, at least let's have a bonfire first. It's not all that often we get together" Percy said. Gods damn it Jackson, don't say that, Nico thought. Hazel smiled. "That would be nice" she said. A murmur of agreement came from around the table and Will smirked at Nico from across the table. Will knew exactly how frustration Nico was just now and he was loving every minute of the torture.

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