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Two people. A woman. A beautiful woman with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was a mother; you could tell by the way she protectively held the girl in her arms. Her daughter.

She didn't look any older than ten years old when in fact she was thirteen, having just turned so a few weeks ago. It was funny how so much could change in a matter of time. She didn't look like her mother - and had instead taken after her deceased father. 

Her hair was a sandy color and was in complete disarray, like she had just woken up. She had a pretty face. A straight nose, full lips, a small chin. Her eyes were perhaps the most beautiful. Almond eyes the color of the ocean. A deep green which you could get lost in.

She was scared. You could tell from the way she nervously bit her lip - how she flinched at every sound. How she looked like she wanted to run far away from everything and never look back. She seemed unaware of how her nails were digging into her mother's skin. The mother whom she clutched so tightly for she was all she had left.

'Baby,' the mother whispered, her lips almost touching the girl's ears. 'I need to leave.' The girl looked on the verge of tears. 'Baby, if I don't go, they'll find you.' Her words didn't comfort the girl. 'I can't let them hurt you.' 

'You promised,' the girl finally said. Her voice was so quiet - barely a whisper. 'You promised you'd never leave.' Her green eyes were glistening. 'You promised we'd stay together. You promised.' 

The mother smiled sadly, her own blue eyes sparkling with tears. Tears which she bit back only for the sake of her daughter. She pressed a kiss against her forehead.

'It's all my fault,' she murmured. 'I need to fix this.' The girl shook her head, but the mother wasn't done. She pulled away, taking her daughter's hands in hers. 'I leaked the virus - if it hadn't been for me...' Her voice trailed off as she took a deep breath. 'Open your hands, love.' 

While she didn't want her mother to leave, she did as she was told. She turned over her hands, opening them. Her mother placed something in her palm. A crystal chip. It was violet and shone brightly. Her mother passed her hand over it and the light dulled as a chain appeared around it. 

It was a necklace now. She grabbed the necklace and put it on her daughter who accepted it graciously. 

'Promise not to lose it,' mumbled her mother. The girl looked at her - her eyes wide. Tears flowing freely from her eyes.

'I promise,' she muttered. 'I promise I'll keep it safe.' Her mother sighed, smiling sadly at her daughter.

'You're going to save the world, baby. I know it,' she released her daughter's hands, pulling away. 'You'll save humanity one day, and I hope that when you do,' she smiled at her. 'I hope that when you do, that you remember me.' The girl looked at her mother for one last time.

'I promise.'  The mother smiled for what may be the last time in her life.

'I love you.'

With that, she was gone. The girl listened - hoping her mother would be safe. That her life wouldn't be taken like so many others had. There was a gun shot. A gun shot which signaled the death of Jaqualine Rivers. Her mother.

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