10. Cops

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"He was down, and John B was still hitting him." Sarah says while getting dressed.
"I've never seen him like that." Kie says. "You think he's gonna get arrested?"
"He can't get arrested." Sarah says.
"If he's locked up, he can't help his dad. I have to fix this. Can you give me a ride to Toppers?"

I don't think her going to Toppers is gonna help this.

"You don't think this plan could make things worse?" I ask.
"I don't know. And I don't know what's gonna happen with me and John B. I just can't sit by and watch him get arrested while his dad's abducted. I have to try." She says.

"I have to go and talk to JJ, so Kie mind taking up?"
"Sure, I'll take you both to see your little boyfriends." Kie says.

She drops Sarah off first to avoid John B seeing her.

She stops at John B's and drives off.

I walk over to them.

JJ scoots over on the couch leaving space for me. I sit down.

"That whole 'no hard feelings, bro.' You know?" John B says while pacing around.
"No hard feelings.' Kinda hard to not have hard feelings about that." JJ says.
"It's just that.. that look. That Kook look, you know."
"It was clear provucation."
"Provocation." I correct. He glances at me for a second.
"Provocation, and, uh, I mean you had to do what you had to do. I would've done the same thing."
"Thank you." John B says.
"I gotta figure out a plan on how to get to South America like yesterday."

"You got any food?" JJ asks.
"Yes. I didn't have time to eat at Kies." I say.
"Was Sarah there?"
"Yes." I say realizing he's gonna ask about Sarah.
"At least she wasn't with Topper." JJ says. I elbow him.

"Did she say anything about me?"
"I'm not about to tell you."
"So she said something?"
"John B." I try.
"No." I say.
"Dude, I have to know."
"Too bad. What we talk about is none of your concern."

"Can we talk about the main problem right now?" JJ asks.
"Okay. Passports." John B says.
"Don't have those."
"We can't fly commercial. We need other ideas."
"Don't you have the money, you took from Portis?"
"I kinda gave that to my dad."
"What about a boat?"
"Limbrey, Limbrey has a boat!" JJ yells looking in the fridge.  "What if we took that one down."
"Yeah. She took that back. And the port of Spain? So no on boats."
"So what you're saying is, we don't got any money, and we also don't have a boat that can make it to South America." I say.
"Actually, I might know a guy. I'm onto something." JJ says grabbing some random food.

I glance out the window. There's a cop car.
"Shit." I mutter. John B looks over.
"Uh-oh." He says getting down. I do too.
"Don't start with uh-oh. You're so negative dude." JJ says.
"Get down." I say grabbing his arm.
"Shoupe is out front right now." John B says.

"Alright, John B!" Shoupe yells.
"Come on."

We start crawling.

"Anybody home!" Shoupe yells.

I pount at the table.
"Under there. Go." I say. John B crawls under. JJ does too. I get in but barely fit. JJ pulls me closer to him to the point where I'm basically on him.

This contact means nothing. Just us trying not to get seen by a cop.

Shoupe knocks on the window.
"I know you're in there."
"If he sees you, it's game over." JJ says.
"I know."
"Shut up." I say.

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