8. Big John

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I wake up to Kie shaking me up.
"Let's go." She says. I groan before sitting up.

I shower and change. While brushing my hair I check my phone.


You survive the night?

yes, jj. im alive

Just making sure you're fine

thank you

Come by and pick me up before you get to the Chateau


We finish getting ready and walk downstairs.

"Thank you for letting me stay." I say to her parents.
"Of course." Anna says.
"We don't want you having to stay with JJ." Mike says.

Jesus fuck, what's his problem with JJ?

We walk to JJ's. He's waiting for us outside. Juno is by his feet. She runs to me.
"Hey girl." I whisper petting her. "How was she?" I ask JJ.
"She was fine." He says smiling softly.

We walk to John B's. Juno follows behind us.

There's an older guy there. JJ instantly runs and hugs him. The guy ruffles JJ's hair and JJ jumps on his back doing it to him.

I smile softly realizing Big John must've been like a father figure to JJ.

Pope hugs him too before Kie does.

We all sit down and Big John pulls out beer. JJ offers one to me and I take it.

"So, who are you two?" Big John asks pointing at me and Cleo.
"I'm Naomi. We were on the ship and helped get them off it." I say. He nods.
"You're not from here?" He asks.
"Nope." I say.
"Where from?"
"I moved around a lot as a kid." I say not wanting to get into it. He nods.
"Crazy how you ended up with this lot. Cleo?"
"From Nassau." She says.

"You two have a place to stay here?" He asks.
"I'm staying with Pope." She says.
"I stay wherever I can. Either JJ's or Kie's." I say.

I think it's sweet that he cares.

"Wait. Where'd you even go?" Pope asks John B.
"Yeah, so we went to the archives in Charleston, and, uh it was a dead end."
"So that's the gold, the cross, and now El Dorado. We're three for three guys." Pope says getting up to leave.
"See ya, John B." Kie says following.

"I'm gonna go. Thanks for the beer." JJ says.
"I think I am too." I say getting up. "It was nice to meet you."

"I'm gonna go out and try to get my job back. Wanna come with?" JJ asks once I'm behind him.
"I don't got anything better to do." I say waking next to him.

"You know I think it's weird John B left without saying anything to us." JJ says.
"He could be lying about where he went." I say.
"It's John B. He would never."
"Maybe he doesn't have a choice, but to lie."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know, but maybe, if he's lying there's a reason."

"But like what could make him lie?"
"Would you lie to protect the people you care about?" I ask.
"Well maybe, that's what he's doing."

"Well it's right up here." JJ points.
"Okay. I'll wait right here." I say. He nods.
"Kiss for good luck?" He asks smirking.
"Shut up, dickhead." I mutter shaking my head.

He runs up.

After a bit JJ walks back down.
"Hey, how'd it go?" I ask. He just shakes his head.
"Rafe fucking said I stole the boat." He says running his hand through his hair.
"What? You weren't even there when it got taken."
"He's an asshole." JJ mutters.

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