4. Captive

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"Guys wake the hell up!" Cleo yells. I open my eyes.
"What the hell?" I mutter. She points. I see a plane.

We all get up.

We start yelling. I notice JJ is silent.

"He sees us." Kie says as the plane starts turning.
"They're going down to the pond. Come on." I say.

We all go to the pond.

A guy steps out.
"What do we got here?" He asks.
"Some castaways." John B says.
"I'll cross that off the grocery list."

"I got just the thing for you guys." He says throwing a bottle and a first aid kit.

"What's the story? You guys sank a boat?"
"Jumped off one. Her dads." John B says.

It's kinda weird that he's sharing their private information with a complete stranger.

"In laws man. They're tough. Well have no fear, Jimmy's here."
"Well all hail Jimmy, guys!" Cleo yells.

"You can carry all of us?" I ask.
"What is it? Seven of you and a dog? Yes. Well no, but she can do it." He says. I nod.

We climb in and sit. Juno sits at my feet silently.

"So what we're you doing all the way out here?"
"Spotting fish."
"What were you spotting?"
"The usual. Wahoo."

"Hang on to something." Jimmy says as we take off. We all grab onto things.

JJ calls us closer.
"Wahoo don't run in September. So whoever this man is, is not a fisherman."
"Maybe the run just starts earlier out here."
"You sure? In the Caribbean?"
"No, I know what this is. He's working for my dad." Sarah says.

"We gotta find out. Look for clues." JJ says before signaling for John B to distract him.

He sees a photo. He hands it to Sarah.
"Oh my god." She says. "It's a photo of the boat."

We get turbulence. Juno moves closer to my legs.

"Whatever it is, is happening fast." Kie says. We look out the window.
"That looks like Barbados. I've been there with Terrance."
"Okay, there's seven of us, one of him. You know my vote. We storm the cockpit."
"Who's gonna fly the plane, dumbass?" I ask.
"I've seen Pope fly simulators."
"I crop-dusted for my uncle last summer. This is not the same thing."
"We don't have time to pretend that's an option."
"Any ideas?"
"Something safe?"

"Why don't we wait until the plane lands. Sneak out. And if somebody comes to mess with us, we mad- dog them."
"I like the mad-dogging part."
"Put that back." I whisper.

John B distracts him as JJ starts putting it back. He notices him.
"Hey man!" He says turning around.

They start arguing.
"Fly the plane!"
"Jimmy! The plane!" I yell.

He gets back to trying to get the plane right, but it's not working.

We go straight into water. We all fly forwards. There's water everywhere.
"We gotta get outta here." I say. I look over at JJ, he's out. I shake him.
"Get up." I say. He sits up.

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