2. Sob Story

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I watch as JJ draws our flag. Once he's done he holds it up.

He goes and hangs it. Kie cheers for him.

Kie and I sit down starting to build.
"Do you think we'll ever get rescued?" I ask.
"Rescued?" JJ asks joining us. "From what? From paradise? I'm not going back. Ever. I mean, look around. We got everything we need. Right here."
"We can't just stay here forever." I say.

"Kie, can you come help?" Sarah yells. Kie stands up.
"Don't kill eachother." She says before walking off.
"I personally don't see anything wrong with us staying here."
"That's because you're an idiot." I say.
"You just love to call me that." He says.
"Well I'll stop when you stop being one."
"I'm not an idiot." He says.

I beg to differ.

"You do the first thing that comes to mind, every time."
"I do not."
"Yes you do." I say tying the stick.
"You must really be observing me."
"It's just painfully obvious."
"No, no, you're observing me." He says standing close to me.
"You wish." I say before turning around.

"Come on. Just admit it. You wanna fuck me so bad." He laughs.

Without thinking, I slap him.
"Don't talk to me like I'm some little bitch you get to fuck around with when you please." I say.
"Did you just hit me?" He asks grabbing the side of his face.
"Yes, I did." I say before turning around to go fish.

"Juno." I call. She comes running by my feet.

We get by the water.
"Ready girl?" I ask looking at her. She just wags her tail.

I see a fish and go to stab it but Juno bites it first.
"Good girl." I say.

I stab some fish and put them in the bucket.

"What'd you get?" JJ asks as I start to walk back.
"Fish." I respond not glancing at him.
"Naomi." He says after me.
"What?" I ask turning to him.

"You didn't deny it." He smirks. I roll my eyes and turn back around.
"Leave me alone, Blondie." I say. I hear him laugh.

I go and relax a bit.
"Naomi!" I hear Sarah yell.
"Yeah?" I yell back.
"Come on! We're playing truth or dare!" She yells.

I get up and sit with the group.

"Who's going first?" I ask.
"I'll go." Sarah says putting a basket on her head like a hat.

"John B, truth or dare?" She asks.
"Truth." He says.
"Truth?" She asks throwing him the cap.
"If you could do it all again what would you do different?" She asks.

"Get the gold out before Ward." JJ says.
"It wasn't your question." I say to him.
"It's fine, we can all go." John B says.

"Maybe hide the cross a little better." Pope says.
"Not yell "murderer" at Ward, maybe." Kie says.
"Steal a couple bottles of rum before we jumped off the boat?" John B says.
"Yeah, why didn't you do that actually?" JJ asks him.
"I don't know, maybe cause I was in a fight to the death?"
"I would look both ways before crossing the street." We laugh.
"Yeah, my bad." John B says.
"Naomi?" Kie asks me.
"I'd change up bits and pieces of everything leading up to when I met you." I say. Cleo gives me a sad smile.

"Your turn, chief." Cleo says to John B.
"Alright, Kie, truth or dare?" He asks passing her the cap.
"Um, if you could go home to your parents house on Figure Eight this instant would you do it?"
"No chance."
"Seconded." Sarah says.
"Hear! Hear!" JJ yells.

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