
Start from the beginning

Derek smirked. "I tried to warn you," he said as he turned and walked off.

Bella turned to see her sister there. She inwardly groaned. "Well. If it isn't my darling older sister. What brings you to Seattle?" She asked as she looked to her.

Kathleen smiled. "Don't be fake Isabella. Mom sent me here. She heard about you punching Mark Sloan. And she knew Nancy wouldn't get you to talk," she said.

Bella groaned. "Definitely unbelievable. Why couldn't you send Amelia? She is literally my favourite sister."

"You're funny. What's going on?" Kathleen asked, looking directly at Bella.

"Oh jeez. Look at that. I have a patient who needs me. Thanks for going," Bella said as she quickly walked off.


Grace found Bella and smiled. "Where have you been hiding?" She asked as she sat down with her.

"My other sister is here. Kathleen. She's the bitchiest of them all. You thought Nancy was bad... you haven't met that bitch yet," Bella mumbled.

Grace paled at the thought of another Shepherd sister. She saw the look on Bella's face. "Are you okay?"

Bella sighed. She nodded. "What I tell you, it goes no further. But when I left New York with my brother, I was pregnant. I lost the baby. He or she would have been almost two. I worked it out," she told her.


Bella smiled. "I'm okay. I honestly am. Derek was the only one who knew. I couldn't tell my sister's. My mom would have demanded I go back to New York so I could be looked after."

"Was it Mark's?"

Bella nodded. "Yeah. It was. No one knows. So I'd appreciate you didn't tell anyone. Please. If Izzie found out, she would be a bitch. And I'd be kicked out if I went Rocky on her," she told her.

Grace took her hand and smiled. "I won't say anything. I promise you. Are you gonna be okay?" She asked as she looked to her.

"I have McBitchy2.0 to take my verbal anger out on. I'll be fine," Bella said as she wiped away a tear that had fallen and walked off.

Grace sat there and sighed. She knew Bella. And she knew she wasn't as tough as she made out to be.



Bella inwardly swore. She turned to see her sister. She sighed. "What now? Have you come to annoy me?" She asked.

"No. Mom is worried about you. She wants you to visit. Or she's coming here," Kathleen said. She smiled. "I see Mark is here. Too much history there? Is he sleeping with anyone?"

Bella rolled her eyes. She looked to her sister. "Get back on your broom. And go bye bye. I don't want you or Nancy here. Leave me alone. And tell mom I'll see her soon," she said as she grabbed her patients file and walked off.

Kathleen looked to Bella. She sighed. "This aggression, it's not good for you. Have you thought about talking to someone? Losing a baby can't be easy."

Bella felt her blood run cold. She turned to her sister. "How the hell did you find out about that?" She spat.

Kathleen smiled. "I overheard you telling the home wrecker. Grace Grey? You're too young. Too immature for a baby of your own. It's why we don't let you around our kids."

Bella shook her head. "Listen to me now you poisonous bitch. You keep away from me. You are toxic. You're the worst example of a sister. You wonder why Amelia did drugs. I'd be the same having you as a sister," she spat.

"Calm down."

Bella scoffed. "You're lucky you're my sister. I would kill you," she said as she turned and walked off.


Mark saw Bella and saw how angry she looked. He walked over to her. "Baby. What's up?" He asked.

"Stupid Kathleen is here. My mom sent her to find out if I'm okay after I punched you. And I'm not in the mood to deal with her," Bella told him.

Mark pulled her into his arms and held her. He knew how she wasn't close to her sisters. "Don't let her talk down to you baby. You're a strong independent woman. And you're amazing. It's why I love you."

Bella looked to him. She smiled. "That means a lot. She knows how to get under my skin. And I want nothing more then to stuff her head down a frigging toilet," she said.


Derek and Grace had just walked out of the on call room. Kathleen found them. "Well. You've been avoiding me. Hi. Kathleen Shepherd. You're Grace right? I heard your conversation with Isabella."

Derek looked to Grace. "What conversation?"

"The one where she told her about the miscarriage. That's how I found out. Now, why would she tell her brother and not her sisters? The ones who can actually have a child?" Kathleen said.

Grace frowned. She didn't like this woman. "I'm gonna go. I'll see you later," she said as she walked off.

Derek turned to look at Kathleen. "You mentioned that miscarriage to her? Do you realise how hurt she was when that happened? She cried for days in bed. She didn't eat. And you throw that in her face... you're a poor excuse for a sister," he said as he walked off.

Needing to find Bella.



Bella turned to see Derek. She sighed and looked to him. "Don't I know what you're going to say. And she's not my sister. I hate her more than anything," she said.

Derek said nothing as he pulled his sister into his arms. Hoping that things were going to be okay for her.

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