Chapter 1 (of season 2)

Start from the beginning

"And you. Give up the cane." Another officer said to Kaz.

"And you sp-" The first officer started.

"Oi!" He yelled. "Where'd she go?"

The Stadwatch officers down below me started looking around for Inej.

Only I knew where she was.

"Wait. Where's the other girl? Elora Jones. The little assassin wanted by the Menagerie." The Stadwatch officer questioned.

"Does everyone know I'm wanted by the Menagerie?" I asked Inej who was perched next to me.

She just shrugged.

"Yeah. They do that." Jesper smirked.

"Doesn't matter. Two's enough for now. We'll get the girls later. Come on." The officer grabbed handcuffs. "Off to Hellgate to await trial."

"I'm going to get information on whoever framed us and find out what happened while we were gone." Inej said.

"Got it. I'm going to follow them. Get them out." I added as we parted ways.

I silently hopped onto the top of the Stadwatch truck that had Jesper and Kaz and other soon-to-be prisoners inside.

I was going to get them out as soon as I could.

Kaz has his thing against human contact-except with me for some reason. I had no idea why he was against contact, but I did know that he wasn't going to fare too well in a cramped truck, so close to others.

"Hey, stop this wagon!" I heard Jesper yell followed by bangs on the side of the truck.

All I knew was that something happened. To Kaz.

The truck came to a stop and the driver got out and opened the back door.

He sighed before saying. "You two. Out."

I assumed he was talking about Kaz and Jes.

It would have been the perfect time to take him out and help Jes and Kaz escape, but the officer was leading them somewhere and I wanted to know where. Possibly the person who was responsible for all this.

I followed them to a nice building. Similar to a merch's house, but not on the Geldstraat, where most mercher's and other wealthy residents of Ketterdam took residence.

I perched myself on the window sill of a window open just enough for me to hear what was being said inside.

"Somebody paid good Kruge to spend some time alone with you two." The officer explained.

Just then, Dreesen swung open the doors and walked in.

"Criminals." He exclaimed as he did so.

I have made it my one and only life goal to kill this man.

"Dreesen." Kaz greeted him with a sigh.

Dreesen hummed in acknowledgment.

"Ten minutes alone." He said, handing the officer a stack of Kruge. "Out you go."

He waited for the Stadwatch to exit before continuing.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened?" He asked.

"We've been framed for murder?" Jesper answered.

Dreesen scoffed. "I'm not asking about that. Where is Alina Starkov?"

"We don't have her." Kaz answered.

"Obviously." Jesper added.

I couldn't help, but to roll my eyes at the irony. Jesper is always stating the obvious.

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