But strangely, he couldn't remember the previous night.

The Source Block's voice wasn't necessarily a voice. It was more like thoughts and phrases appearing in XB's head, as if the knowledge was being transferred to him.

This time, instead of words, XB was given an image. A factory.mHe recognized it, it was the abandoned one, just off the coast of the shopping district.

There was something there, something that needed to be destroyed. Its existence threatened the Resistance. He would know it when he saw it.

"Should I gather the others?" he whispered, unsure whether he could communicate with the Source Block.

No. The others would just slow him down. He would do this alone.

He stood, the glowing tendrils falling from his arms.

"I won't let you down."


Even fewer Hermits showed up for the server meeting than the last, but Scar couldn't blame them. He likely wouldn't have been there himself if he hadn't felt responsible.

It was eerily quiet as they gathered. No one spoke. Even the sound of their footsteps seemed to be swallowed up, leaving an almost tangible silence.

Scar was about to sit with Bdubs, until he saw his friend sitting in the grass with his knees tucked to his chest, staring blankly into space. His expression was completely devoid of emotion, but his eyes were rimmed with red. Scar thought he looked as if he was too mentally exhausted to feel anything anymore, and he knew there was nothing he could do to help. Besides, Tango was already with him, his arm around the smaller Hermit's shoulders, though he didn't seem to notice at all.

Xisuma didn't have to call for attention. As soon as he arrived on the spawn island, Hermits turned to face him, looking to their leader for some sense of direction and stability. He didn't stand on any elevated ground, as he had before. He was at the same level as the rest of them.

Scar noticed that the admin stood facing the sun, which was still relatively low in the sky and cast a glare on his helmet visor, completely obscuring his face from view of the Hermits. There was no doubt in Scar's mind that this was intentional. Xisuma wouldn't want the server to see him upset, especially now, when it would be best for him to appear strong and unafraid.

Scar didn't feel like either of those.

"I don't know how to say this," Xisuma began. "Because there is no easy way to say it. I also know I don't need to explain to you what happened to Etho... We all know."

Scar thought this wasn't entirely true. Earlier that morning, he and Xisuma had found Etho's body washed up on a small island. His hands and feet had been tied together. He was bruised and his nose appeared to be broken. These things only confirmed their suspicions as to how it had happened.

After cutting away the ropes, they had buried Etho next to his base, and Xisuma had decided it would be best not to tell the server the details of Etho's death just yet.

"Let them grieve first," he had said. "If they find out he was murdered while in the state they're in, some of them might try to avenge him."

The mayor still wasn't sure that this was the best idea.

"Etho was a great man," Xisuma now continued. "He was kind-hearted, and funny... and I know we'll all miss him very much." He paused to take a deep breath. "But we can't let this destroy us. No matter what, life keeps on moving, and we have to move along with it, even if he can't be there with us."

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