Chapter 9

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(Yeah, sorry about dissapearing for a year after... that... Not good timing, huh?)

(Warnings: talk of death and injury, grief, blood)

(2416 words)

The sound of birdsong stirred Grian awake. He was aware of the soft earth beneath him, and when he opened his eyes he could see the sky, a comforting, pale blue, as if everything in the world was okay.

Last he remembered, he had left to find Scar, to tell him what was going on. Looking around, Grian knew he was in the wrong place. He was at the edge of the Shopping District, by the ocean. Nearby was a dock that had been constructed back when the Hermits used boats to reach the island.

He hadn't gone there on his own, the mycelium had taken over again. Mentally, he cursed it. He had been so close.

He sat up, easing the crick in his neck and trying to get a better look at his surroundings. That was when he noticed the blood on the ground. It was only a little, and it was dry. Upon inspection, Grian concluded that he wasn't injured, but there was more of the blood on his hands.

"No, no, no," he muttered as dread washed over him. He didn't know what he had done, but it couldn't have been good.

His communicator buzzed and he checked it, only to find the general chat was in chaos. People were freaking out and asking what on Earth was happening, and Xisuma was trying to call a server meeting.

The feeling of dread only worsened as Grian scrolled back through the panicked messages, trying to find the source.

That was when he saw Etho's death message.

The realization hit him like a brick wall. Or, more accurately, like many bricks being thrown at him as he was hit with flashes of memories. Images he hadn't remembered, and would rather have had it stay that way. Etho glaring up at him defiantly, blood dripping down his face and fear in his eyes. Moonlight cast on the ground as he dragged Etho by the collar, the man struggling to break free from the ropes that bound him. Watching Etho's panicked face sinking below the dark waves, his mouth open in a muffled scream before disappearing from view.

"No," Grian gasped. He felt like he couldn't breathe. Maybe if things had been different, if he had just held onto control a bit longer, this wouldn't have happened. But things weren't different, and there was nothing he could do about it anymore.

He had murdered Etho.

He buried his face in his hands and sobbed.


XB sat in the HQ, farther down the tunnel from where the table was set up, right beside the tangled clump of hyphae. The Source Block. Of course it had a name, it was too special not to. XB knew because it had told him.

This area of the cave had never been lit like the rest. It felt wrong to bring another light source here. The man shuddered at the thought of the small flame inside a lantern so close to the Source Block.

Because of this, there was only the dim light that came from the hyphae themselves. Hyphae which wound themselves around XB's fingers and up his wrists. In the darkness, the hyphae under his skin could be seen to have the same pulsing glow, almost like a heartbeat.

Recently, he had found he preferred to spend his time down here. Anywhere else, it felt as if his mind and body were being pulled at by two different forces, each begging to be rid of the other. It was exhausting. But he was at peace here. The other force didn't bother him.

The Source Block glowed brighter momentarily and he sat up straight. It was going to speak to him. Over the past few hours, it had only spoken twice. Once to tell him its name. The second time he was told how he was special. The others still required persuasion, to be led to do what was best for them and the island. But he was different. He would willingly do whatever was asked of him. That's why, he had been told, he could have control over his actions and remember, so long as he obeyed, of course.

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