2 | Giynua Marsh [1]

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Thunder shook the small town of Liradel, and lightning streaked across the darkened skies. A car stopped outside a boarded-up shop, and a tall man got out and stood with one hand on the door to observe the surrounding buildings.

The man's silvery hair was tied in a ponytail that was flung over the shoulder and rested on a black cloak that was fastened at the throat. A deep red brooch was pinned where the cloak connected and shone in the light that was coming from a streetlight nearby. Under the suit jacket that was cinched at the waist was a burgundy vest and below were dark trousers that wrapped around long legs, and on his feet were equally dark leather shoes.

Eriladar frowned at the dilapidated shops and the seemingly abandoned town and then faced the car and bent down so he could see the person still sitting inside.

"Taegen, come out now. You can't stay in the car." He spoke gently and tried to persuade the frightened man. "We can't have the person we're meeting wait too long."

The man in the car shrank against the back of the seat, his head turning from side to side as he wearily eyed the buildings and alleyways — it was like he was expecting something to jump out at them at any moment.

"I-I know, but I feel that there is something wrong with this town," he paused and lifted his head to face the man outside, "something sinister. Can't we go back?"

Eriladar bent down more so he was more level with Taegen and said soothingly, "when have we ever turned down a task at Skyreach? We'll just go to meet this person and get the details of the task, then we'll leave. Later, if you feel that strongly about it, we'll decide then whether we should stay or leave, alright? Now come on, we have little time left, and, and the person doesn't seem to be the patient type this time."

Seeing the older man's reassuring smile, Taegen gathered his courage and took his proffered hand, and joined him on the path.

On the outside, he could see the buildings more clearly. They were rustic, with no lights inside. The only source was coming from the streetlights that lined the pavements, and there was not a soul anywhere to be seen. Yet, they could sense the tension and melancholy that travelled alongside the wind.

Taegen shivered and pulled the coat tighter around himself: they had been to many towns like this one, but it was the first time he felt something so evil about it - like death lingered over everything and something was reaching for his throat.

He swallowed involuntarily and shuffled closer to Eriladar. The older man's presence always made him feel safe, and the calmness exuding from him would always calm his frazzled nerves. Eriladar patted him on the shoulder and said, "let's go."

They arrived at the meeting place shortly after and entered the building, one after the other. Outside, the building looked the same as all the others- run-down, shabby and rickety - but the inside was a different story.

The house appeared large, with a living room that spread from the front window to the back, a kitchen off to the side and stairs that led up to a second floor; from the decorations and the interior, it could be seen how wealthy the owner of the house was and was living far better than anyone else in the town. And unlike the other houses, this one was fully lit - torchlight rose up the walls, and tiny shadows on the ceiling danced along with it.

According to this, Eriladar guessed the owner was unafraid and didn't take the dangers too seriously. For the first time since coming to this town, a grimace appeared on his handsome face, but he soon controlled it and returned to his usual warm appearance.

Leather shoes moved across the hall and Eriladar didn't even question why no one had come out to greet him and Taegen - it just showed how unimportant they were to the owner of the house, even if they had been called there to help. Then again, Eriladar and Taegen had met many people that were the same as this one and had learned to not let it bother them. It was true that Skyreach would never turn down a task that was given to it, no matter how arrogant the other party was.

Paintings lined the halls and crimson rugs were thrown over the floors, to hide the wood underneath and gave the house a rich air that could differentiate from the surrounding houses. And it didn't take long for the two to reach the sealed door at the end of the hall: it was ornate and a dark brown.

Eriladar turned the handle after receiving an invitation to enter, and he was greeted by a person sitting behind a desk that was set before a large window. Heavy curtains were drawn shut, and the room was lit by a single lamp, leaving the person's face in shadows. Only two sharp eyes could be seen, and they stared at the two men with aloofness and disdain. Eriladar ignored the look and strode into the room without a care, and sat in the chair that was in front of the desk.

He beckoned for Taegen to join him in the other chair and once the younger man was seated, he said to the person who hadn't spoken yet, "sorry we're late. Can you tell us why we're here?"

The man on the opposite side didn't respond, and he leaned forward so his face showed in the light more clearly and he rested a refined chin on his clasped hands. Dark hair fell to just above the ears and was styled neatly. Fierce eyes gave away the owner's dislike and a high nose was set above lips that seemed to always be in a sneer.

Parting his lips, the man's voice came out rough. "I've been waiting a long time for you to arrive. But it's good you're here now. Allow me to explain why I called you here."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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