14. Growing up pt.1

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"So that's how you're not affected by my quirk!!!"

"I know right!!! I didn't know this the whole time, now that I think about it, it was obvious huh!!"

"No, not really. it could've been anything!?" Tenko shrugged, walking beside me as we made our way home from the clinic we've come to love from 4 years ago

"Ehh you're right- but you know what this means!!" I also shrugged, happily eager to move on from the past scare and start planning the possibilities of our hero journey,

"What!??" blank-faced, Tenko looked at me jiggling about as we made our way to the car park.

"Oh come on Tenko, you don't know what's next?" I had to stop walking just to process the complete unawareness this boy had. He does know we came to see the quirk doctor for a reason right??? Or is he just thinking of something else...

"Uh, going home???" he stated the obvious

"No you dodo!!" I didn't mean that- though it's true - but like... come on!!! "we can start being heroes now!!" I raised my hands in frustration but it quickly went to excitement because the dream team could be a reality just imagine Tenko and I saving people and bringing down villains together!! We would be called... I actually don't know, I haven't thought that far, I thought I wouldn't have a quirk, so I kinda thought I wouldn't need a hero name... wait! Tenko thought of one though!

"Ohh- that..." huh he sounds uninterested!!

"What!! What's with your tone? I thought you'd be excited since I have a quirk perfect for it now??!"

"Yh! Well, before we came to the quirk doctors I looked into different jobs that we could go into and there is so much out there we can do- I guess I was prepared to drop being a hero"

"You would do that if my quirk wasn't suitable for heroism??"


"... you idiot!! you shouldn't do that!!"

"Huh?? what do you mean!!"

"You shouldn't sacrifice your dream just because I'm not in it!!"

"But that's what I want though!? I want us to be heroes together. If not then we'll do something else!!"

"... your such a big idiot Tenten... but I- ahem- appreciate it... a lot. Don't get me wrong, it's totally idiotic- but it's nice to hear"

"We still don't have to be heroes you know?"

"Why? Do you have second thoughts??"


"then what was it you were planning"

"Maybe... if you were bummed about not being a hero, we could join a hero agency as either a medic, office worker or the people that clean up after destruction and repair or!! Become detectives or even spies!!" Tenko continuously rambled on about the different jobs we could go into instead of heroism, which I was quite surprised about since he really wanted to become a hero like his grandmother!! save other children from crumbling futures that he had suffered you know??.

He was quite passionate about it as well, evidently from how I'm reacting- but it's awfully touching how he only wants to go through with his dream with me!!?? It's cute but actually, it's really pressurising because the difference that he can make to the world is hanging on to the balance of me having a hero quirk to pursue with him... I really did shake fate a bit.

"Tell me what you want to do once you've thought about it seriously," I said accepting the answer

"What do mean by that?"

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