6. Crimson Boy

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How it should have happened

"Hey, are you listening?" I scowled

Ever so slowly, the boy started turning around. revealing a sight I wasn't prepared for. A sight that would be horrifying to anyone my age and time just had to slow down to add effect to the horror or... maybe it was something else

... Nah!

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"aren't you going to apologise?" I protested again, facing the ice cream crusher who just stood there unmoving

"*sniffle*" the boy wiped his tears from his... Soul-draining. Dead. Eyes. However, it was rather difficult to see his face as it was covered by his stringy straight, murky blue hair. 

Oh and also BLOOD!!

Okay, I felt bad now. he could be hurt and maybe that's the reason why he bumped into me

"... hey are you okay?" I instantly dropped my angry expression as I started to assess his injuries. Do I see scars!!

"... mama..." he chafed out, gaining my attention again only to see the existence of his scarlet pupils. They were distant ... and glazed with something that I couldn't see

"Are you lost?" I looked around the area to see if I could find an adult looking for someone. There was no one, just regular citizens walking across the street enjoying their shopping. 'Did they not notice an injured person?' I looked back at him when I didn't hear his answer

'okay weird'

"you need to clean your hands and ask for plasters for your face before we look for your parents," I instructed, spotting the local clinic at the end of the road.

'But mama told me to stay here...I'll be quick I decided, nodding my head as if asserting my risky choice

"come on we need to be quick; my mama will be back soon." I grabbed onto the boy's arm, the part where it wasn't covered in blood -obviously- and ran down the street, moderately, so that the boy wouldn't fall.

Running through the automatic doors of the humble establishment, I slowed us down when we got to the desk. There, luckily, was no one waiting for an appointment so when we walked up to the desk the attendant sprung up to service.

"what can I do- oh my do you need some help?" he stopped mid-sentence seeing my new -unfortunately- injured friend and coming from around his desk to be in front of us.

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