The Russians and the Japanese

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Monday, 1st January, 2015

4:00 a.m.

Prime Minister's Residence, Tokyo, Japan

"What have we gotten into? And of all countries, with Russia?" PM Yomoya spoke with his Cabinet. The whole situation was unbelievable. Overnight they seemed to have been transferred from Earth to some other Planet entirely with them losing all contact with the US save for the American Embassy and US military bases in Japan itself. The Korean peninsula had disappeared along with China and Taiwan as well. Only on their northern border Russia was still there. When they contacted the Russians, they had the same situation with their border areas.

A virtual meeting was scheduled between Yomoya and Putin to discuss the happenings and to come to some sort of mutual understanding and cooperation agreement. It was going to begin shortly. 'Whatever happens, i'm not going to let the Russians take advantage of the situation and try to manipulate and control Japan. Even in this situation, Japanese National security is a must.'

The video screen turned on and the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin appeared. "Good Morning, President Putin. I hope you are doing well, even in this strange situation." "Good Morning to you too, PM Yomoya. Yes, indeed the situation is very strange and frightening and i would not have been able to calm my nerves if i had not found out that your Nation has been subject to this phenomena as well.

It seems like both of our Nation's have been transferred to this other world. This means that to survive, we might have to work together. We have tried to sustain the Ruble artificially, but we still need a currency, like yours, to peg it up against. Additionally the Economy has taken a hit with the gas and oil pipelines no longer working to deliver energy resources to European countries. Only the Sakhalin pipeline with Japan remains intact. Seeing that while you have a resource deficit, and we need someone to purchase our resources, we could workout an agreement for delivery."

"I believe a suitable deal can be made" the Japanese PM replied. "But, I require a few reassurances from your side." "Why yes, sure! What Reassurances?" "For starters, i should not see you using Aggressive moves against Japan. Japan has been peaceful for a long time, so we will not attack you either. Secondly, i believe you could give back the three southern Kuril Islands of Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomei. Third and finally, we need a signed cooperation pact, which makes it so that if Russia engages in any Military action against any nation in this new world, then Japan or its own engagements in this world should not be affected."

President Putin seemed to contemplate this. "Hmm, for the first one we could make a Non Aggression Pact between our countries. For the second and third ones, i cannot make any good arrangement. I will give back Kunashir and Habomei, but you'll have to recognise the rest of the Kurils as Russian territory. As for the third one, nothing can come of it. Inevitably, our involvements in this world will clash. But we should try to delay that as much as possible, for our mutual benefit."

The rest of the meeting continued on a positive note as internal and external matters were discussed between the two leaders. Russia and Japan would sign the treaty of Peace and Cooperation and a Non Aggression Pact. The islands of Kunashir and Habomei were officially returned and Japan recognised the rest of the Kurils as Russian Territory.
Both countries decided that despite their past disagreements, they'd have to co-operate for mutual economic benefit.

This era of peace, however would last only a few years. In the future, Russia would have to stop the interference of the new fledgling Empire of Japan. The effects of that war between the two powers would be felt throughout the New World of the likes that would put even the Annorial Empire to shame. But in the long run, this was all good for Russia. Russia would live on.

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