Chapter 1: A Day I Can't Forget

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I let the hot water from the shower fall over my body for 20 minutes trying to wake up. I get out and towel myself off before putting on my Japanese cherry blossom lotion. I go through my closet trying to find something to wear. "God I hate all my clothes guess it's time to go shopping but for the moment I guess a pair of jeans and a black tank top we'll do the job."
The aroma of my fresh pot of French vanilla coffee perks me up a little bit. I pour myself a cup adding in tons of creamer and sugar. When my phone rings I see it's my mom. "Hey mom how are you this morning?" Her voice cracks "I've had better days dear I hate today I've barely been able to stop crying all morning." I can hear the sorrow in her voice "I know mom I hate today too." I start to tear up "I really wish Scott was here with us." she softly says "please don't cry if you do then I'm going to start crying again." She chokes up again "sorry mom I can't get over the fact it's been 7 years and it still feels like yesterday. " mom takes a deep breath "dear the pain from losing a child or a brother will never go away it just lessens." She says "still sucks but I'm planning on visiting his grave today do you want to come with me." she pauses "no sweetie I think you need to spend some alone time with your brother." her voice sounds comforting and warm. "okay mom I'll tell him you both say hi and miss him. I got to go but let dad know I love him." I can hear him in the background calling for her." I will and we'll see you for our weekly Sunday supper bye sweetheart I love you." she hangs up.
I finish my coffee grab my coat and purse heading out the door. I make a pit stop at the flower shop and drive to the cemetery. It's a mildly warm summer day for the light breeze blowing through the trees making the leaves russle. I sit in front of his grave running my fingers over his engraved name "Scott Lachlan McLaughlin".
I can't hold back my tears. "I brought you some flowers. I know it's been so long since I've come to see you and for that I'm sorry. I've been very busy. You would be so proud of me I'm officially a cop protecting your city. You would so laugh your ass off every time you saw me in my uniform." I quietly laugh. "you were always making fun of me and teasing me I used to hate that but now I miss it more than anything. I'm going to tell you a secret I have a small crush on my work partner. His name was Anthony, he's funny, sweet and very protective. But I don't think he likes me back in that way. Trust me I can already hear your voice in my head telling me to quit being a scaredy cat and just tell the guy already. And maybe one day I will but not today. Before I forget mom and dad send their love and they miss you. Well I better get going but I do promise to visit you once a month okay I love you." I kissed his headstone and go back to my car. I pull out my phone and video call Anthony. "Hey you what you doing." He is breathing is heavy "I just got done working out at the gym." I couldn't help to think how sexy he was all sweaty. "I can see that so if you are not busy tonight would you like to come over for dinner I'm a killer cook." he smiles "not busy at all I would love to come over and try your cooking." I bite the inside of my lip to hide my excitement. "Great then I'll see you at 7:00 don't be late." he Chuckles "I wouldn't dream of it see you then bye." I smile softly "bye Anthony." I hang up. Now time to go shopping for dinner and a cute new outfit.

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