4 || Inconspicuous

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For my first-ever college class, I dress drably on purpose. A black Calvin Klein t-shirt meant for boys tucked into gray track pants. I'm still skinny enough that I can allow myself to wear track pants.

While I wait for the elevator, his door opens. I showered at five this morning just to avoid him. I've only ever had one boyfriend, and he was the one who spurred my problem. I was weak-willed—and still am.

He stumbles into the hall dragging a backpack with serious bed head. The first time I saw him, his hair was skillfully gelled. He looks like he's on his way to soccer practice instead of class in black shorts and a white t-shirt. The muscles in his arms flex as he slips the backpack over his shoulders.

He steps up beside me without a word. He takes a phone out of his pocket and unlocks it. Then locks it again. He bounces on the toes of his Adidas slip-on shoes. He's the most restless person I've ever seen.

He leans on the down button. Bites his lip. Drums on his legs.

"Hey," he says. His voice is even nicer up close. I incline my head. "Is this thing broken or something?"

I've maybe been waiting for a minute and a half; him, even less. I shrug, and he leans against the wall.

The girl who smiled at me yesterday, with the black slinky bathrobe, strolls up to us. Instead of a robe, she's wearing a very short leather skirt and a silky blouse.

"Hey," she says to him, all breathy. He grins at her.

"What's up?"

"My name's Alyssa. What's yours?"

The elevator arrives before he can speak. We all walk in and he returns to his phone like she isn't there. He looks good at forgetting people.

While he scrolls through his phone, leaning against the wall, it vibrates almost right out of his hand. He brings it to his ear with rolling eyes. "Good morning, brother dearest. Of course, I'm up... as of ten minutes ago. Whatever, Cam. Lunch? I don't know... no, she wasn't there today. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. I'm agreeing with you! Jeez, you're cranky, missing Katherine that much? Okay, okay. Meet you there. Yes. Okay." He laughs, rolling his eyes. "Bye-bye."

"Ugh, brothers." He shakes his head. "You have any?"

I shake my head without considering the question and then feel guilty because I actually do have one. Then the doors open and he walks out like he's already forgotten me; he probably has.

And that's okay.

Bathroom Conversations (First 5 Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now