"So, did the dress fit?" Sierra is the one who dared to ask. Steph frowns immediately. "I'll take that as a no."

"It fits... Very, very closely."

"It barely fit. I felt strangled."

"But they're altering it," I tell them. "So, it's fine."

The table goes quiet and apart from everyone ordering, we only had small conversations. Trying to avoid anything wedding related because wedding=stress and we are trying to eliminate that equation right now. Irelee and Max talk about all the stuff they got for Christmas yesterday. Half of them are already broken, I don't know why I waste my money.

My phone dings to let me know I have a new message, but I ignore it mainly because of the baby I'm holding. Jace doesn't like to be put down for too long. Mia stands getting up from the table with an excuse me, her phone pressed to her ears. Grace pulls my attention before I could eavesdrop. "How's the case going? Any leads on Victor yet?"

"No." I shift in my seat and adjust the baby on my lap. They're starting to sit up now and it's a huge blessing. Irelee also loves that they are shuffling around a lot more when they're doing tummy time. She loved the gimmicks and they are no better. "It's a dead end everywhere. We just keep finding girls. It's disgusting."

Grace frowns. She takes a bite of her food and Jaylin opens his mouth, following the fork. She laughs, looking down at the baby in her lap. "You can't have this yet Bubba. This is spicy."

Yet as she says that, she's tearing off a tiny piece of garlic bread for him to taste. He welcomes it with an open mouth and devours it quickly, already looking for more. His brother got jealous and starts grabbing for my food on the table. "Gracie!" I blame her as I try to peer is little hand away from my plate. Damn does he have a strong grip.

Sierra laughs reaching for him. "Let me see if he'll take a bottle."

I pass the baby along to her while she makes a bottle, passing him to Sloane, who passes him to her. Watching her now, after four months, it's obvious how much better at this she's gotten. She's not so afraid anymore and everything is coming naturally. Even the way she multitasks as she does it all.

Jace refuses the bottle as she offers it, turning his head away and fighting to get up.

"He wants food, Mom," Lee tells her.

"Well, I'm sorry for him." She sits him up against her lap again and starts picking away at her food.

When Mia comes back to the table, she looks angry. I don't ask her about the call until we're outside. Lee and Max wouldn't stop bugging us until we come to see the animals.

"What's up?" I bump Mia's shoulder.

She frowns. "Lawyer called. Michael's not selling the restaurant."


She shrugs. "He's literally holding it against me because he knows how much I've worked to get it and losing it is losing everything I've spent my life to build." I hug her, and she cries on my shoulder. "He gives me the house, but he won't give me the restaurant and it's my restaurant."

"It's okay. We'll push back. We'll figure it out. Look at me." She meets my eyes, wiping her tears. "He won't win."

Lee pulls at Sloane's arm. "Can you hold him with me?" she asks, heading towards the iguana.

Sloane halts when she sees it, her body going rigid and her face paling. "Uh," she splutters, already retreating.

"Sloane doesn't like lizards, baby," Grace tells her.

Another Life (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now