Kianna stirred and sipped her tea.

"Lianna is quite stubborn, just like Zira. How did they make her agree to take the mission if it meant she would be away from her master for quite a long time?"

"Oh, she was told that this would be her last mission for a while and that she would have a year off. She took it in a heartbeat."

"Hmm. Then that takes away one of our problems for now. I need Lianna away as much as possible from Zira while I try to figure out how we can talk about her master's memory soon without shedding blood," Kianna said and glanced at the door, where her apprentice was signaling that she had a visitor waiting outside.

"Let her in."

"Is this something I shouldn't hear?" Magnus asked.

"No, you're fine," Kianna replied, watching Zel enter the room.

"Greetings to the Clan Head," Zel paid courtesy to her and did the same to Magnus.

"Is Zira awake now?"

"Yes, Lady Kianna," Zel muttered, moving to Kianna's side. "I needed to use my magic on her so she'd wake up. But I did as you told me."

"Did she ask any questions?"

"The priestess only asked how long she had been sleeping. But more than that, there's none."

"Good," Kianna said. "Zira will be looking for me soon, so you may return to her cabin and take her belongings to the tower."

"Yes, head. I will," Zel bowed her head and left the room.

Once the door was shut, Magnus leaned against his chair with his legs and arms crossed. He clicked his tongue several times.

"The lengths you've gone to keep her away from the werewolves. You even had one of your mages implant false memories or illusions in her mind."

"You know I had to do it," Kianna said nonchalantly. "However, breaking through her mind's natural shield took a few days. Consider if she were awake. We wouldn't have erased her memories of the werewolves and replaced them with fictitious scenarios."

"Phew. So cruel," Magnus said as he picked up his cup again.

"It's for the future of our clan," Kianna met his obsidian eyes that went along well with his ebony shoulder-length hair. "Why? Do you think I was wrong?"

Magnus couldn't help but chuckle at his master's expression while asking that question. That knowing look with the arched brows. It wasn't a question but rather a statement or a challenge to prove her wrong. He hummed while rubbing his chin with his fingers.

"Master has always thought of the clan's best interest, so you did the right thing," he paused and pondered about something for a bit. "It's just too bad that we needed to keep her real identity away -"

Magnus stopped when Kianna cleared her throat.

"I don't understand what you're saying," Kianna said, which meant he should shut his mouth.

"Alright, alright," he said, raising both hands, "Forget I said anything."

Kianna rose to her feet. "You may leave now," she said, approaching the door. Before turning the knob, she looked over her shoulder. "Keep Lianna distracted for as long as you can."

Magnus rose from his chair and bowed his head to her. "Aye, master."


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