Chapter 11 (1.5)

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After the urgent call reached Tahel, they raced towards the farm that had once been the sanctuary for the Mattituck werewolves. An uneasy tension gripped them all, their hearts racing with the dread of arriving too late.

As they approached, their worst fears came to life.

Half of the werewolves who had been tending the farm were dead, along with the guards who had tried to protect them. It was all the hybrid's doing.

Khan felt a surge of grief and rage as he surveyed the blood-soaked soil. He saw Mahan, wounded and broken, kneeling beside three small bodies. They were children no older than ten and had been killed mercilessly. Mahan sobbed uncontrollably, clutching their limp hands.

Louis stood motionless, his cheeks drenched in silent tears. Luka, who was more vocal about his feelings, screamed in despair. He cursed and punched the ground, unable to cope with the loss.

Camill, Tahel, and Najak moved around the farm, checking for any survivors. They knew it was futile, but they couldn't accept the reality. They hoped for a miracle, a sign of life among the corpses.

Ruslan stood by Mahan's side, his hand resting on Mahan's trembling shoulder, offering what little comfort he could muster while grappling with his own grief.

Khan felt like he was trapped in a nightmare. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. This farm was supposed to be a safe haven for the werewolves. It was within their territory, and it was well hidden from outsiders. Tahel had given them this land to farm peacefully, away from human interference. They should have been alerted of any intrusion.

But then he remembered the dark mages. His hands folded in fists trembled in anger.

It must be them. They must have used their magic to bypass the security and unleash the hybrids.

The echoes of screams and stifled sobs filled Khan's ears, making him feel as though the world had crumbled around him, his legs weakening beneath him. Tahel walked slowly back to him, his shoulders weighed down, his face etched with sorrow. As their eyes locked, tears welled up in Tahel's eyes, streaming down his cheeks as he covered his mouth with trembling hands, unable to contain his grief.

Khan's heart shattered. Once again, he had failed to protect those under his care.


After the bodies were taken from the farm, the pack returned to the barracks. The mood was heavy, and a sense of gloom hung in the air.

Khan stood at the head of the table, unsure where to start. He lifted his eyes to check on Mahan, who was staring blankly at the floor, his face expressionless. Luka, seated nearby, nervously fiddled with his hands, his knuckles still red from punching whatever he could find in his frustration.

Tahel and Ruslan's eyes were still puffy and red from crying, Camill had not uttered a word since they left the farm, and Najak, who usually could crack a joke or show some anger in serious times, was silent. And Enzy, the one who worked closely with him, their beta, his second in command, was not around.

Taking a deep breath and massaging his nose bridge, Khan struggled to find the right words. He knew there was nothing he could say or do to make things better, but they had to regroup and discuss what to do with the non-fighting werewolves in their clan, including the Mattituck werewolves who had long been part of their group.

How did the dark mages find the place? Khan wondered.

That place had a spell cast by Gisbert to hide the scent and markings of their kind, like other werewolf houses. No vampires could have spotted it, either.

Moonlight: Darkness Before Dawn | CONT. (&TEAM)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang