Chapter 3

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"This gotta be a scam, a sick joke. Why should we believe in those fantasies", Bakugou asked.

"Kacchan, this is important. You heard our principal. If this is our mission, we have to warn the others and show them this old book.

(Izuku's POV)

Kacchan just rolled his eyes and went along our decision. At the front desk we asked the librarian if we could borrow the book. The old lady agreed and said goodbye.

We ran as fast as we could to UA to tell our teacher and Nezu. "We have to hurry, come on guys", I shouted to my friends as we ran through the dark streets of the evening. No one passed by us, which was unusual. On top of that it started to rain in buckets. The wet concrete made everything slippery and slowed us on our plan to warn the others on our coming damnation.

The clouds weren't making anything better, more the opposite, we had to be careful to not fall or step into a crack on the sidewalk. My friend's and mine clothes were soaked in rain, like our hair.

Finally, we saw the walls of our school. It seemed like it took us hours, it was mere minutes.

Without care about the water, we stormed to the teacher's office. No one there?

Shoto wondered where everyone was, which only caused Bakugou to get frustrated.

I tried to calm them down while keeping my hands in shoulder-high level in front of me.

Everything was silent. You would say it's just paranoia, but it was different. It seems like the world stopped in time.

"What are you doing here, if I may ask?" Our heads spined to the scores of the voice, behind us.

There, in all her glory stood the hero Midnight. "Ahhh!", I screamed.

Midnight apologized for scaring the hell out of us but just continued on. "Why are you here?"

"We were searching for Aizawa-Sensei. Do you know where he might be?" Shoto wondered.

"Mmh, weird, I wanted to ask you the same question." We decided to go around searching for the others together.

Outside were flashing lightnings and the thunder growled ever so often. All the students were at home, making the long hallways lonelier.

We passed the cafeteria without noticing someone standing in the darkest corner, watching.

Continuing, we walked past an opened classroom. In the last moment something caught my eye. A person with a green hoody, the face was hidden by a white disc. They were staring at me.

"Guys!" I called for the others while still holding eye contact with the engraved smiley face.

No answer. Without a choice I looked away, into the empty hallway. As I looked back the figure was gone.

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