Chapter 7

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By the time they got to the harbor the sun stood high in the sky. The teachers got everyone off the bus and checked if no one's missing. With their bags and backpacks they made their way to a huge white ship with big letters writing UA on the side.

"Wow", could be heard from a student around the crowd.

One by one they made it up to the deck of the ship. The floor was nicely polished and cleaned of any dust.

"Everyone, listen!", All Might called out. "Go chose your room, at 12 is lunch!"

As commanded all the students made their way to the cabins.

The water splashed onto the sides of the ship as they made their way to their demise. In three days, they reach the island. Our three main characters have rooms next to each other, to keep in contact if anything happens. The meals were to say the leased decent, not the best but not the worst neither. Other than the teachers and the future hearos were only the captain and three crewmembers on board.

It was night, the light breeze of the passing wind going thought open windows. In the distance was a small wooden boat with a person inside, fishing. It is said you get better fish by catching them at night. If you look closely you notice they are not alone. Another person is laying with their head on the side, writing a letter. "Are you sure this is going to work?", the fisher asked his companion. "One hundred percent." "If you say so." With one swift move the writer jumped into the water. "Hey, you scare all the fish away!" "Sorry." Without bothering each other anymore they started swimming towards the bigger ship, delivering the letter they wrote minutes ago. "I don't get paid enough for this.", they mumbled to themselves as they teleported themselves with a ball shaped element to the roof of the control room. 'In which are you?' was the first though of the intruder.

Without a sound they made their way inside. Not bothering about being seen they found the room they were searching. Everyone should be in the dining room heaving dinner. Opening the door without difficulty. The inside was rather empty except a small desk in the far left corner and a bed on the opposite side. A closet was taking the corner left to the door. Walking inside they noticed a small notebook on the table. Being curious, they opened the first page.

Day 1#

Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya, my friends also call me Deku. My friends Kacchan and Todoroki are as uncomfortable as me in this situation. We are on a ship with our class and teachers. On the way to an island named Dream smp, for short Dsmp. It is in the middle of the ocean. My friends and I got three letters from people living on our destination. Their names were 'Captain Puffy,' 'Foolish Gamers,' and 'Sapnap,'. I have never heard of such kinds of names. Like, who calls their son Foolish? Anyway, they wrote us letters featuring information on how to survive. It is a secret to keep in mind, we weren't allowed to tell anyone about them. We are now already 46 hours on sea. The next 26 hours are going to be torture. It's ratter quiet, nothing is happening. Most of us are just sleeping, eating or just hanging out with the others. I have to go now, it is pretty late and I need the energy for tomorrow.


'Interesting', placing the letters in between the pages they left though the open windows in the far back.

'Ough', Izuku sighted and fell onto his bed. It was a hard and stressful day for all of them.

The night went over to fast for Midoriya's liking. His peaceful sleep was interrupted with a soft knock on the door.

"Good morning, can you wake up the others and get them to the community room?"

"On it, sir"

"I see everyone is here. We arrive tomorrow, I want you to clean all the mess you've made over our stay. Go now"

With that the students got to work. Cleaning windows, wiping dust and packing all their belongings. Even the next day wasn't easier, all the teenagers had to clean the boat and cook for themselves. The last lunch was on the deck of the ship. "In two hour we are there...."

They decided to use the time to rest and went to their rooms.

Izuku got to his room and picked up his notebook.

"What is that?", Izuku wondered as he saw a letter which had fallen out of one of the pages on the floor.


I took it into my task to welcome you myself. You'll be staying in my country for your stay. Fortunately, I have enough room for all of you. Remember, what happens here, stays here. So with that I invite you to the entertainment capital of the world!

: ]


That's it! Like always, by mistakes just inform me.

Thanks for reading! 

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