She's not supposed to know that..

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SUNNY woke up in WhiteSpace, not a place he expected to see, he hasn't been here in over a year..

OMORI was here also, strange.. OMORI was silent and just pointed towards the white door.

SUNNY quickly left threw the door, feeling unsafe in WhiteSpace.

Hm... The neighbor's room..

His friends weren't here.. Probably on an adventure or something.

He felt a tug on his sleeve, and to no ones surprise, it was OMORI.

The monochromatic boy walked ahead and SUNNY followed, thinking he was supposed to do that.

OMORI led him to a picnic blanket, where MARI and BASIL sat.

When the two noticed OMORI and SUNNY, they smiled at them.

Then, BASIL got up, "Hi OMORI!! I missed you!!" He gave OMORI a quick hug before walking over to SUNNY.

"Hello.." BASIL didn't say the name, he knew he wasn't supposed to.

And it seemed pretty normal until OMORI walked up to BASIL and grabbed his arms, restraining him.

"Ah- O-OMORI, what a-are you doing!?"

A red hand floated over to SUNNY and gave him a knife.

OMORI looked SUNNY dead in his eye.
"Do it."

SUNNY noticed MARI was surprised, seemingly frozen in shock.

BASIL was kicking and screaming, begging for SUNNY not to hurt him.

"NO!! Please!!!"

It hurt SUNNY to see BASIL cry.. It was easy to see that all BASIL's squirming and screaming was annoying OMORI, and yet he looked amused. What a bitch.

SUNNY raised the knife, aiming for the chest, he didn't want to but was afraid of what OMORI would do if he didn't.

"Do it."

BASIL's crying continued, he was pleading to be spared.

"Do it."

The crying was loud, it overwhelmed SUNNY.

"Do it."

The sad look in BASIL's eyes made it harder for him to stab him.

"Do it, now."

The tears ran down BASIL's face, he was constantly crying about how he didn't want to die.

"You have to do it."

He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to.. HE DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT.

"SUNNY! Don't you dare!" MARI yelled, getting up.

SUNNY froze at that name.. She wasn't supposed to know that... Nobody in the dreamworld was supposed to know that..

She walked over and snatched BASIL out of OMORI's hands, the flower boy hid behind MARI, hugging her and crying.

"I expected better than that SUNNY! You went through all that trauma for a reason!"

Because he had killed someone.. But.. This wasn't real.. It wouldn't mean anything..

"Baby brother.. I've heard stories, the look someone can give you, before or while you're killing them can haunt you, do you really want that?.."

The saddened look BASIL had was already haunting, his cries and screams..

Where Hope Is Hidden||OMORI||Sunflower||Where stories live. Discover now