413 7 56

Sorry for the lack of chapters guys. 😞


Once Y/N got home, she started packing all of her precious belongings, destroying every picture of her and Kacchan as she saw them.

Both of their children had heard about their divorce after the two got home, and were now hysterically crying on the couch.

Y/N knew how much her ex-hubby hated crying children, so she left him to deal with them while she hurried to pack her belongings and leave with Todoroki-kun.

As she turned to leave, her lucious locks of hair falling delicately over her shoulders, she was stopped by a large wall of muscle.

 Kacchan- no! Bakugo.

"K-" Y/N stopped herself, slapping a hand over her mouth. "B-b-b-bakugo, you need to let me leave." She blinked her glassy orbs at him and suck out her bottom lip in a pout.

"Teddy bear I promise it won't happen again, think about our kids." Bakugo spoke in his soft, gruff voice.

"I-i-i-i said let me l-l-leave Bakugo!" Y/N spat, stomping her foot on the ground, and her eyes glowing a dangerous red.

Bakugo growled and stepped aside to let her out the door, pushing her out and causing her to fall as she left. The door closed behind her with a bang and Y/N began to weep loudly.


Next chapt. will probably be last ☹️

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