They then kiss on the lips. Woo slowly pulls away and checks the time on his phone.

"Oh. San. It's 8:37 AM. You should get a taxi. Remember your mother said if your late you will be in serious trouble. Why don't you go now." Woo suggests.

"And it's an hour away." He added.

San nods.

"I'll go now.." he says. Really nervous and. Scared.

He grabs his phone and wallet, shoving them in his pocket as he kisses Woo on the cheek.

"Bye woo. I'll be back later" he said walking to the door.

"Bye. And remember. Avoid your parents, do your best. Okay?" Woo says.

"Yes.." San nods as he opens the door and leaves.


The time is currently : 9:10 AM

San finally arrives as he gets out the taxi and pays the driver. As the driver drives off.

San turns round to see his family members cars all parked and lined up. His family members are outside the building while crying.

He suddenly spots his favourite cousin he hasn't seen in years. And I mean it.

It was Vernon. His favourite cousin. And San was vernon's favourite cousin too.

They used to always play together. Have sleepovers. Prank their parents together. San was smiling  at the memories. Oh how he wished to go back.

But still happy he met woo.

But when San and Vernon were 11. Vernon had to go away, to New York. Because his parents new job.

The cousins were heartbroken. They cried together as they hugged at the airport before Vernon went on his plane with his parents. Aka San's aunt and uncle.

And haven't seen each other since.

San just straightened his suit as he dropped his smile. He gulped. He started sweating as his legs moved and towards the building.

He waited outside the door. As it's still a bit early and the doors haven't opened yet. San just waits near. Alone. His hands in his pockets.

It's soon 9:45. San has been waiting outside. All that time. Alone. Shivering in the cold as it starts to faintly rain.

He sees his parents walking towards him with a stern face. And a crying Milli beside them. San just looks away.

Soon the doors open. Everyone piles in.

They all sit down. San had no choice as he sat next to his father. He was at the very end. His father next to him. Then his mother next to his father, Milli next to his mother. And so on.

When everyone was sat and quiet. It started.

A man walked to the front. A stern look with his hands behind his back.

"Today we are here. To say our goodbyes to Suho." The man started as people were already crying and blowing theirs noses. You can't blame them. Come on. It's family.

San was already tearing up. He tried blinking it back.

"Suho was a great man. A powerful man. A brave man. It's really upsetting, that he couldn't make it. And has sadly been carried above into God's arms" the man took a breather. Then continued. "He was always there for us all. He was so brave. He fought through the troubles and dangers. It left a scar on him but he made it through. May we say goodbye."

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