70. The Gorilla Club

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Purple!" Cat yelled jumping out of the window

"Cat!" I yelled following her out

"Hey, uh, Sikowitz, for our homework assignment, do you want us to-good luck to you" Andre said before backing out of the classroom and shutting the door

Now here we are, sitting around in Tori's kitchen playing poker. Beck dragged me here



"I'll check"

"Ill be 5 reds" Andre said

"I call your five reds, and raise you two yellows" Cat said grabbing the skittles and eating them as we all looked at her

"You gotta out 'em in the pot" Andre said

"Kay" she said spitting them out, and putting them in the middle with the others

"So, when do you audition for the movie?" Robbie asked

It sighed "Tuesday"

"You ready?" Andre asked looking at Toridillia

"I thought it was, until Sikowitz said my audition stinks because i dont take risk. Can you guys believe that?" the thing asked as we all looked at her



"you do suck"

"Yeah, you're boring"

"I take risk" she sighed looking at us "Like yesterday, at school there was a line for the girls bathroom, so i just walked right into the boys bathroom. Yep"

"You used the boys bathroom?" I asked looking at her disgusted

"No, it was disgusting in there. What is wrong with you guys?"

Jade sighed getting annoyed with her "We're playing cards. You in or out?"

"Uhh" she began as Beck cut her off making me look at him

"Shes in" he said as she smiled at him, before looking at the stairs

"Tori, did a package come for me?" Trina asked coming down the stairs, personally i like Trina more


"Aww" she wined

"Whatchu getting?" Andre asked

"I ordered these delicious new Fazzini shoes with 10 inch heels. "

"Who can walk in 10 inch heels?" Jade asked looking at her

"Awesome people, like me" she said looking at Jade

Slap her.

"Where's my package?" Trina whined again

"I dont know. Why dont you call the shipping company?" Tori suggested

"Why dont you call me butt?"

Trina walked away, as we went back to our game "Whos turn is it?" Andre asked

"Me. And im in" Beck said

"Aw, its an automated help line, listen" Trina said putting her phone on speaker

"to track a package, say or speak your tracking number"

She groaned "Ugh, now i have to find my tracking number?"

"Yes" her phone said, as she looked at it confused

"Turn off your speakerphone" I sighed looking at her

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now