Now we're at a diner down the street from her apartment for dinner before I have to catch the train home.

"I haven't yet, I just got to my car. I'm going to check in on him now," Trevor says, I can hear the engine of his car faintly in the background, "Why do you care so much?"

I'm nervously chewing on my nail trying to figure out what to say. This isn't how this was supposed to happen. It also doesn't help that Mallory's sitting in front of me staring at me also waiting to get updates.

Before I answer, Trevor connects the dots himself and basically screams into the phone, "I fucking knew it!"

"What do you mean you knew?" I question.

Mallory and I make eye contact and she whispers, "He knew?"

I shrug still a bit confused on what exactly he means.

"I saw him texting someone who was saved in his phone under KZ with a heart and not many people have those initials, Ken," I can practically hear his stupid proud smile.

"Are you mad?" It's the first question that popped in my head.

"No, why the hell would I be mad? It's Jimmy! He's great!" He honestly almost sounds excited.

Oh Trev.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," I admit because I am. I wanted to tell him but I didn't know how he'd react and I definitely didn't expect it to be this chill.

"Don't worry about it, I'll keep my mouth shut still if you want," he says.

"Just a for a little bit please?" A small smile pulls at my lips, "I'll tell the family soon, but not the world."

"Oh c'mon! I'm calling Griffin and Ava right after this to tell them they both owe me twenty bucks!"

You're fucking kidding.

"You guys had bets going?" I hate them all.

"Ava thought it was gonna be Bolds because you went to Minnesota, and Griff thought it was Davey, but I told him that was dumb because why would you hide that? He's just some guy from home, nothin crazy, that's how I knew it was someone cool."

I roll my eyes, he sounds so proud of himself.

"Also Jamie said he was going home for a family thing the same time you were in Minnesota, but he forgot I can see his location. And so I looked after I called you about that post. And where was it? Right next to yours in Minnesota."

"I can not believe you," I shake my head slowly.

"You can't hide anything from me, lil sis."

"I don't know if I'm more proud of you for figuring it out or if I'm more shocked you kept your big mouth shut."

Mallory muffles a laugh at that.

"Dude," he says it so dramatically, "It was so hard to not say anything! I have so many questions."

Oh boy, here we go.

"How long has this been going on? Is that why you came here for the summer? Or did it start during the summer?" I'm shocked when he actually pauses for me to answer.

"It started during the summer but I ended it when I left but then it started again when y'all played here at the start of the season, and now its still going and I don't want it to end," I smile, then get serious again, "That's not what we're talking about right now! Did you hear anything from the bench?"

"Well he didn't come back to the game, which isn't good."

No shit. If I could smack him right now I would.

"But I heard them tell coach they were taking him to get x-rayed so I'm heading there now."

"Do you think he broke something?"

Fuck what if he's out for the season?

"I'm not a doctor, I don't know! Maybe? This shit happens all the time, Ken, he'll be fine," he's trying to calm me down but its not helping.

"All the time?"

"It's hockey! It's aggressive!"

"I know, I know," I take a deep breath. He'll be fine.

"I'll call you as soon I get an update, okay?"

"Ok," I look down at my chocolate chip pancakes.

"Ken, I promise, he's gonna be okay," Trevor says and I believe him, "I'll talk to you soon."

He's gonna be okay, I repeat to myself.

"Okay, bye, drive safe." Now I'm just worried about everyone and everything.

Trevor says goodbye and the call ends. I set my phone down on the table.

"So..." Mallory asks.

"Trev's going to check on him right now, and uhm he now knows about us obviously," I pick up a few pieces of my pancake with my fork, "Also my siblings all had bets on who my secret boyfriend was, so I'm now plotting ways to mess with them now. If you have ideas please share."

"And," I take a breath, "Trevor's gonna call whenever he gets an update."

"I bet he's okay," Mallory nods.

"I really really hope so," I sigh.

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