First Time At Disneyland (revised)

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Zero Two and Hiro had always been on the battlefield, fighting against the klaxosaurs to protect their home. They had never had the chance to experience the joy of a carefree day until they were given the opportunity to visit Disneyland.

As they walked through the gates, Zero Two's eyes widened with amazement. The vibrant colors and cheerful music were a far cry from the dark, war-torn landscape they were accustomed to. Hiro couldn't help but smile at her reaction, happy to finally see her relaxed and at peace.

"Where should we go first?" Zero Two asked, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

Hiro chuckled, "Let's start with something easy. How about the teacups?"

Zero Two giggled as they climbed into a spinning teacup. She grasped the wheel in front of her, her long pink hair whipping around as the ride began to spin faster and faster. Hiro laughed as he watched her, admiring her carefree spirit.

Next, they went on the rollercoaster, and Zero Two clung tightly to Hiro's arm, her heart racing with excitement. They explored every corner of the park, eating cotton candy and taking silly photos.

As the day drew to a close, they sat together on a bench, watching the parade pass by. Zero Two snuggled closer to Hiro, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Hiro," she murmured.

Hiro wrapped his arm around her, "I'm glad we could have this day together. It's important to remember that there's more to life than just fighting."

Zero Two smiled, "Yeah, it's nice to"

As the fireworks lit up the night sky, Hiro and Zero Two sat in comfortable silence, enjoying the magical display. For one day, they were able to forget about the war and the klaxosaurs and just enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

As they left the park, hand in hand, they knew that they would never forget their first time at Disneyland, a day filled with joy, laughter, and love.

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