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At operation theatre ~

"Ahhhhhh.... I ca-nt do it-ahhhh. I-i am t-tired-ahhhhhhh" said a women lying on operation table.

"Babe, honey you can do it. Just one more time. Please sweetheart. For our little one. Our little champ. Come on darling." Said the man holding the women's hand tightly and wiped her sweat.

The women was giving birth to another heir of Marino family. While her husband is encouraging her.

" how much more time will it take, I swear I'll kill each fucking of you if something happened to my son and my wife" shouted Alessandro Marino, the capo of siciliano mafia. The doctors flinched hearing his shout.

" M-m-mam you ha-ve to p-push one more tim-e." Said the doctor. Isabella marino, the donna of Italian mafia and screamed and pushed.

"Baby's coming mrs. Marino , please one final push" said the doctor.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" with final push she laid on the bed exhausted and Alessandro kissed her forehead but suddenly her eyes widen and she asked the doctor's
"Why isn't he crying doc" said Isabella crying. Alessandro too questionably looked at doctors who held a  small tiny human and was continously rubbing it's back and smacking it's bum.

" what the fuck is happening" roared Alessandro and doctors flinched and started giving CPR to a baby after seeing this isabella put her hand on her mouth and started crying while Alessandro had tears in his eyes.

"S-si-ir we-re trying and it was a girl" stuttered the doctor. Alessandro and Isabella were shocked. Girl. A fucking girl. Alessandro's tears started spilling and Isabella's case was worse. Alessandro is flooded with emotions.

"If something happened to my daughter I'll fucking kill you all and your entire family doctor" roared Alessandro. The mere thought of something happening to his daughter bought chills down his spine.

Suddenly a soft ,small cry echoed in whole room. Doctors looked relieved , and why they wouldn't cause  if something had happened to Alessandro's daughter he'll kill them all mercilessly and their family as well.

Then they gave their daughter to Alessandro and isabella after wrapping her in a blue pastel towel , well it isn't Marino family's fault , after having 5 sons the hope of getting a daughter dimmed. Doctors tol-sorry gave her to Alessandro   asked Isabella to feed the baby so that they can take her for further tests.

Alessandro shakily hold his daughter in his hands.

Alessandro's P.O.V.~

A daughter. Im having a daughter. My princess. After so many broken Hope's we're going to have a princess. She'd already wrapped me in her tiny winy finger. Heck not only me the list is so long.

My heartbeat stopped when she isn't crying and when doctor told us she's a girl. After so many years no  no, generations Marino family is having a daughter. My eyes filled at thought of our princess leaving us. I can already see my possessiveness growing at thought of her around boys other than her brothers, cousins, grandparents and uncles. I had never  in my entire life felt so relieved when she cried, it's like my breath came back in my lungs.

When the doctors told me to hold her , my hands started shaking. What if I dropped her and hurt her neck she's so small. See a capo  acting like a baby. Doctor put my daughter in my hand. God, she's so small. Probably smaller than any of my children. I know my boys would be over the over they'll so over protective over their lil princess. They always wanted a princess but alas!.but now we're finally having our lil princess.

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