I didn't try to shove it in his face. If I did that, then I'm very apologetic about it because I had no idea it was like that. And I know that I can be a lot to handle. And I'm awful to do things without thinking. And I'm not perfect, but his jealousy is stupid and childish. Why doesn't he just accept my friends being my friends? Because I'm lost at this and I fucking hate him when he's like this.

"Matt is just a friend, Christopher." I explained calmly.

"Oh Matt? So you finally tell him his name to me." He said out of such a cruel way like nothing else mattered.

"I met him after I started dating Noah." I replied to him, but I stayed calm.

He flinched at the mention of Noah's name. And I don't blame him.

"So was he Noah's best friend of something?" He asked, and his energy was so mean and intense, that I can't reveal anything.

"No, he was a friend of mine. Actually, Matt was my only friend when I went through all the toxicity with Noah. Matt helped me. He gave me advice. He told me my relationship with Noah was bad and it wouldn't work out. But I never listened. I talked to him about you all the time. We were only ever friends, Christopher." I said, trying to really get through to him every time, no matter what.

He scoffed. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"Your not listening to me, baby. I'm trying to tell you that you have nothing to feel threatened of." I looked at him, and I really saw how upset he was, and I wanted him to try to pull over right now. "Christopher, pull over."

He complied, even though I could see that he didn't want to. And when he pulled aside out of the freeway lane and he just stayed off to the side. And while he stayed there, he turned off the car.

"Okay." He sighed. "Speak."

"Matt is only a friend, I promise. You can trust me. Just like I trust you with all the girls who your friends with... like Lara Jean. Who you had sex with, let's not forget." I pointed out, making quite a fair but truthful point and there is no way he can run his way out of this.

"I do trust you. It's them I don't trust. I mean, he is not your friend. I mean, you practically had your hands all over him. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" He was not trusting me, even if he says he does, I suddenly felt so disgusted and insecure about myself because of how he is treating me.

"You don't have any right to judge! You slept with Lara Jean! You know, the girl who hates me so much. And you don't even seem to care." I replied being so judgmental myself because it is only fair. "I accept every girl friend of yours. Why can't you do the same?"

"Because I fucking can't!" He yelled, raising his voice. "And because you are mine. I try to accept any guy you talk to. But I can't. I can't like it. Guys throw themselves at you. And you don't even realize it."

   I actually couldn't believe what he was saying. What he said didn't make it better or easier to understand. All I did was look directly at him, knowing that it isn't fair for him to actually be such a fucking hypocrite. It's not fair for him to do this.

   "So your allowed to have Lara Jean and Leah as your girl best friends. But I can't have Matt as my guy best friend? You are such a hypocrite. And what's worse, is you fucked Lara Jean." I said.

  "You and I weren't together when that happened." He defended himself.

   I think he was just putting all of the blame on me. And I didn't quite deserve to be the only bad person is in this when we're both guilty. He's acting all innocent. But I know that what I did by not mentioning Matt to him was my mistake. And I should've told him. But I was so distracted by how his words didn't match how he looks. I mean, he is so beautifully attractive, and hes hot when he gets angry. And I'm doing my best to try to avoid it, and let my body say no to this. I was gonna ignore my hunger for his lips or his body. Instead, I was gonna be mad too. Because he makes me so angry and all I wanna do is just slap him across the face.

Always Mine {Book 3}| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now